Christians know all about “forced assimilation” of children

Evan Kwsky
3 min readSep 29, 2023


The United States said it was going to impose visa sanctions on Chinese officials pursuing “forced assimilation” of children in Tibet. What Christians accuse others of doing, they themselves are guilty of. Let’s look at several examples of forced assimilation of children by Christians on indigenous populations.

United States

In the United States, between 1819 and 1969, thousands of Native American children were starved, whipped, forced to change their names and forget their languages. Their long hair was shorn, and their clothes changed, every part of their culture forcefully removed from their identity. Capt. Richard C. Pratt, a Baptist, was headmaster and founder of the Carlisle Boarding School. He said, “Kill the Indian, and Save the Man,” and also, “the Only Good Indian is a Dead Indian.” With this motto, assimilation was frightfully successful in this country. Today, very few Indians remain, even fewer know their original culture and traditions. Pitifully, many remaining still rely on their former executioners for aid and education. They send their children to Catholic schools, pray in churches and live as Christians.


In Australia, over 100,000 indigenous children were ripped away from their parents and placed in church-run missions during the late 1800 to 1900’s. Many parents unwittingly signed away parental rights to their children when they were taken to these institutions. Like in the US, children were forbidden to speak their language or practice their traditions. Countless children were also sexually abused by the missionaries.


Similarly, even today in India, children at missionary schools are forbidden from practicing Hinduism, and are told it is a demonic culture. They are beaten if they observe their Hindu customs, and they are threatened and pressured to convert to Christianity. These children have also suffered sexual, physical, and emotional abuse. Yet, these schools are all supposedly ‘good will’ centers of humanitarian aid for the poor.

Remember this, because it is how the Christians trick you, coming in the name of aid and charity. Very few are sincerely helping, most are only in the business of converting.


Sadly, I could go on and on, as there are many stories of children forced to assimilate from their native culture to Christianity. These are all examples of a historic Christian supremacy, a distinctive genetic disease Christians possess, which has allowed them to abuse, convert, and massacre civilizations the world over. They know if they destroy your culture, they destroy you. It is a costly mistake, for any country to trust a Christian.

