Coronavirus Positivity Challenge D2

Logical Spiritualism
3 min readApr 6, 2020


To take this Free Positivity & Empowerment program with audio, email Evan Marquisee at to join the WhatsApp group


Welcome to Day 2 of your two-week Corona Virus Positivity Challenge.


Today’s intention is “This too shall pass.”


For many of us The Corona Virus Pandemic has created new concerns and new challenges. There are valid reasons for concern. Other countries have been brought to a standstill by The Corona Virus, and it has been reported that thousands have died. For some, this may be the most difficult and terrifying time in their lives.

For others, the situation is almost laughable. They refuse to believe the gravity of the situation, or they refuse the worry, anxiety, and fear associated with what many are experiencing.

This situation should be taken seriously, but how you react to the situation doesn’t have to be fraught with negativity, frustration and feelings of misgiving.

Though this Pandemic is not something we can control.

We CAN control how we react to the situation.

We CAN meet this situation with joy, positivity and hope.

We CAN understand that like all things, “This too shall pass.”

Think of a time in the past when you were in a situation and felt anxiety and fear. Recall how bleak and unsure the future seemed and how your well-being was affected.

How did that situation resolve itself? Was it as bad as you feared? Did all the terrible things you worried about come to pass? Did your life in fact end, or are you here, with us now, facing new challenges?

For most of us, we over-think the negative, getting so caught up in what could go wrong, that we lose sight of all the things that are going right. Life rarely serves up the worst-case scenarios we create in our minds. And if the worst ever does come to pass, we always find a way through, because that’s what people do.

Today and every day you will have a million opportunities to ponder impending doom, to dwell on worry, anxiety and fear…to imagine all the things that could possibly go wrong. But dwelling on negativity never lends itself to a positive outcome.

Learn to recognize your negative self-talk, acknowledge it, and turn it off. Create a positive affirmation you can repeat to yourself instead, for example, “I am living my best life now,” or “The Universe is abundant and giving and I trust it to provide.”

You can choose to focus on what you can control; your mood, your actions, your outlook. You can be courageous, joyous and full of faith, regardless of your circumstances. You can have faith that, like so many bad situations you’ve passed through to get here, “This too shall pass.”


Please make a list of seven times in your life that you were in a situation that seemed so dire and terrifying, that you felt worry, anxiety and fear, and felt as though your life as you know it might end.

Write those seven situations down on a piece of paper, and then next to each one, write the outcome of each of those situations.

See if you can remember the worry, anxiety and fear you felt, and consider if your worst fears regarding each situation did indeed come to pass.


Read How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie


The Corona Virus Positivity Challenge is brought to you by…

Evan Marquisee and Logical Spiritualism

And Michael Jamal Mitchell’s Light Productions



Logical Spiritualism

Evan Marquisee is Founder of, a free self-help and philosophy website, and author of Tribes: Unification