MBA Startups List from HBS and Stanford

Evan McPhee
2 min readApr 12, 2016


Each year, two lecturers at Harvard Business School (Jeff Bussgang) and the Stanford Graduate School of Business (Andy Rachleff) release suggested lists of companies for graduating MBAs to look at for job opportunities. Their methodologies and areas of focus vary slightly, but generally they both suggest (in these articles) that MBAs join growing, successful startups that have achieved some level of traction in their target markets. Jeff Bussgang’s article is located here, and Andy Rachleff’s article is located here.

While conducting my own search, I found myself tabbing between these two lists, among other sources, doing a lot of comparison, searching individual companies on Crunchbase, Mattermark, and so on. I figured I’d consolidate these two lists in one place, throw some of the Crunchbase data on the side, and look at these two (really helpful) sources in one place.

Here’s the resulting consolidated list: .

Also, I’m still looking for a great job in sales/ business development at an awesome tech company (ideally in NY or SF)- let me know if you have any interesting leads!

There are a few tabs in there to play with, including a raw data sheet and a basic pivot table- hopefully it’s useful to others searching!

Quick note: I did not include the public companies Jeff Bussgang included in his list of companies, as a) I’m largely not looking in that stage of company and b) they didn’t play nice with the other data sets I was trying to work with. Also, I didn’t have employee counts readily available. If I were to spend more time on this, that’s where I’d focus on improving this.



Evan McPhee

Head of North America at NavVis- Bringing the Indoors Online. Previously Bain & Company, Facebook. School @ UCLA, HBS.