Computer Network Work From Home Review — What To Expect?

Evan Reed
6 min readJul 3, 2024


In this Computer Network work from home review, I’ll walk you through what Computer Network offers, its strengths, weaknesses, and my personal experience with it.

If you’re exploring work-from-home opportunities, you might have come across Computer Network.

This service claims to offer a straightforward way to earn money online by posting ads. But is it legitimate?

Many of the positive reviews and testimonials on their site appear generic or fabricated, which raises concerns about the authenticity of their claims.

Furthermore, some users have reported issues with the company’s billing practices, including unexpected charges and difficulty in canceling subscriptions.

This lack of transparency and potential for hidden costs can be a major red flag, suggesting that the service might prioritize profit over user satisfaction.

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What is Computer Network?

Computer Network is presented as a work-from-home job that requires minimal technical skills.

The primary task involves posting ads online for various companies, and it promises a flexible schedule where you can work as little as one hour per day.

The service is marketed towards individuals looking for an easy way to make money online without the need for specialized skills.

What Does Computer Network Work From Home Jobs Offer?

The core activity of Computer Network is posting ads. Here’s what it involves:

  • Ad Placement: You’ll be responsible for placing ads on various online platforms.
  • Training: The service provides basic training on where and how to post these ads effectively.
  • No Technical Skills Required: The training and tasks are designed to be simple enough for anyone to follow, regardless of their technical background.

Earnings Potential

The website claims that you can earn a significant income by dedicating just a few hours a week.

However, the exact earnings potential is not clearly defined, and there is no transparent breakdown of how you get paid or what the expected earnings are.


To get started with Computer Network, you need:

  • Internet Access: A reliable internet connection is essential.
  • Time Commitment: At least one hour per day to dedicate to ad posting.
  • No Technical Skills Needed: The tasks are designed to be easy to understand and execute.

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Computer Network Positive User Feedback

There are some positive reviews from users who claim that Computer Network has provided them with a flexible way to earn extra income.

They appreciate the simplicity of the tasks and the ability to work from home on their own schedule.

Computer Network Negative User Feedback

Negative reviews highlight several issues:

  • Transparency Issues: Many users feel that the company is not upfront about the actual work involved or the realistic earnings potential.
  • Scam Allegations: There are numerous claims that Computer Network is a scam. Users report paying for access and training only to find that the earnings are far lower than advertised or non-existent.
  • Lack of Support: Users have complained about poor customer support and difficulty in getting refunds when they are dissatisfied with the service.

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Computer Network Pros

  • Flexibility: You can work from anywhere and set your own hours.
  • Simple Tasks: The ad posting tasks are straightforward and don’t require any technical expertise.

Computer Network Cons

  • Transparency Issues: The company is not clear about the actual earnings potential and the nature of the work.
  • High Risk of Scam: Numerous reports and reviews suggest that Computer Network might not be a legitimate opportunity.
  • Poor Support: Customer support is lacking, making it difficult to resolve issues or get refunds.

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My Personal Experience Woth Computer Network Work From Home

I decided to try out Computer Network to see if it lives up to its promises. Here’s what I found:

Getting Started

The sign-up process was straightforward, requiring basic personal information and payment for access to the training materials.

The initial cost was relatively low, which made it seem like a low-risk investment.


The training materials were basic but clear. They provided instructions on how to post ads on various platforms.

However, the training did not go into much depth on strategies for maximizing earnings or how to track the effectiveness of the ads.

Work Experience

Posting the ads was easy enough. The tasks were as simple as copying and pasting pre-written ads onto different websites.

However, the platforms where I was supposed to post these ads were often saturated with similar ads, making it hard to see any tangible results.


Despite the time I invested, the earnings were minimal. The promise of significant income for just a few hours of work per week did not hold up.

The payout structure was unclear, and I struggled to track how much I was supposed to be earning.

Customer Support

When I tried to reach out for support, the responses were slow and unhelpful.

When I decided to request a refund, I encountered several obstacles and delays, which was frustrating.

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My Recommendation

If you’re considering Computer Network, here are a few recommendations:

  • Do Thorough Research: Look up user reviews and experiences to get a balanced view of the service.
  • Manage Expectations: Be wary of high earnings claims and understand that the actual income might be much lower than advertised.
  • Start Small: If you decide to try it, start with a minimal investment and see if it works for you before committing more time or money.

For Computer Network

To improve their service, Computer Network should:

  • Increase Transparency: Clearly outline the potential earnings and the nature of the work.
  • Enhance Support: Provide better customer support and a straightforward refund process.
  • Update Training: Offer more comprehensive training that includes advanced strategies for effective ad posting.

Additional Insights

One of the major red flags with Computer Network is the lack of verifiable success stories.

While the website and promotional materials highlight potential earnings, there are few if any credible testimonials or case studies to back up these claims. This lack of evidence makes it difficult to trust the advertised benefits.

Furthermore, the business model itself raises questions. Ad posting can be a legitimate task, but the effectiveness and profitability depend heavily on the quality of the ads, the platforms used, and the overall market demand.

Without clear guidelines and realistic expectations, many users might find themselves putting in a lot of effort for little to no return.

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Final Thoughts

Working from home and earning money online is a goal for many, and services like Computer Network tap into that desire.

However, it’s essential to approach such opportunities with caution. While the promise of flexible, easy work is enticing, the reality often involves more complexity and less financial reward than initially presented.

Always do your due diligence, read reviews from multiple sources, and be prepared to walk away if something feels off.

If you have any experiences with Computer Network or similar services, sharing your story can help others make informed decisions.

Remember, the best opportunities for earning money online will always be transparent, realistic, and backed by verifiable success stories.


Computer Network presents itself as an easy way to earn money from home by posting ads. While the idea is appealing, the reality seems to fall short.

There are significant transparency issues, a high risk of scam, and poor customer support.

My personal experience with the service was not positive, and I would caution anyone considering it to do thorough research and manage their expectations.

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