Scenes from Vietnam War protests, DC

3 min readDec 25, 2021
Original pins from 1969.

Just a few images from these times. I was there for some of the protests, both in DC itself, and on-campus at the University of Maryland. My recollections of the marches/protests are just random bits and pieces. There was a joke at the SM-1 that I didn’t need any Army tear-gas training, because I got plenty of it in DC, Georgetown especially. I was at the big November 15 march around the National Mall area in downtown DC, and at some other protest thing (maybe more than once) in Georgetown.

I do happen to recall that toward the end of the Nov 15 march I was near the Washington Monument when I heard, for the first time, “Right On!” And I sort of remember buses lined up nose-to-tail all the way around the White House, Treasury, and EOB; I guess this was to make it impossible to get to those buildings. There were, I think, people inside the buses filming us. FBI?

I also was at the University of Maryland for one particular protest, among others, where the chant was “Route1! Route 1!” which meant to go down to that major highway, which runs alongside the College Park campus, and block the road. There were state troopers with dogs lined up to block the way. The students, including me, were up on the hill by the chapel, and everything was relatively calm.

At some point a bunch of us walked down the hill toward the cops, and just sat down on the grass. No problem. Then some morons started throwing rocks or bricks at the cops, and they came at us. With those dogs. (I had a huge black German Shepherd a few years before this, so I was not, and still am not, afraid of “police dogs.”) The cops and the dogs ran right past those of us sitting on the field and went up the hill after the others.

May 4, 1970; weirdly, this was also the day I got my Control Room Operator qualification.
Posted around campus of University of Maryland.




Retired nuclear scientist. Extensive experience in nuclear science/engineering, from mid-1960s. Peer-reviewed publications. Power reactor control room operator.