Evan Sirlin | Lifewatch Inc. | Federal Trade Commission

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3 min readSep 19, 2017


Federal Trade Commission, and State of Florida, Office of the Attorney General, Department of Legal Affairs, Plaintiffs, v. Lifewatch Inc., a New York corporation, also doing business as Lifewatch USA and Medical Alarm Systems, and Evan Sirlin.

Evan Sirlin is a big name in telehealth industry. He came into his family business and brought a revolution in the industry. Evan SIrlin’s father started Life Watch USA around 30 years ago. Evan SIrlin took the business to a new level.

Care within reach is the motto of Evan SIrlin. He is keen to help the old people living alone. They need to depend on people in case of emergencies and medical help. Life Watch USA assures them with all their help and care.

With his love for technology, Evan has participated in building alert systems like Help 911 and Medlock. The alarm systems made by his company are available in different parts of USA. Not only home alarm systems for elderly people, SIrlin contributed in assuring the safety of children in school.

Currently, Like Watch USA is dealing with three types of the home alarm system.

• An in-home responder system that detects the fall or stroke of a person with 1500 meters outside the home. This system uses a traditional landline.

• An e-responder unit that uses a mobile phone thus having the flexibility to detect a fall anywhere outside the house. Use of GPS helps track the person.

• A smart GO pendant that can be worn around one’s wrist or neck.

Once a fall or stroke or epilepsy. is detected, the responder automatically sends a signal to the care center of Life Watch USA where all the users are monitors 24/7. Once the care center is informed, a trained person reaches the person in need, asks for his problem, gives him instructions on how to react and stays on the phone with him to give emotional support until the medical help reaches the victim. In the meanwhile, they informed the victim’s family.

After the medical help reaches the victim’s place, Medlock comes real handy. Medlock is an emergency box that gives access to the house. In case the victim is unconscious, the responders can enter the house and take necessary steps.

Evan SIrlin plays a key role in the expansion of Life Watch USA. He is planning to expand the business overseas. He is a PR specialist and telemarketer as well. Not only home alarm systems for old and sick people, he has a major contribution in the development of protection systems like lone worker protection system and active shooter protection.

With the help of cutting-age technologies, Evan has been able to win the trust of people. He is appreciated for his great work by people of USA. Integrating GPS with the alarm systems make sure that the users are tracked everywhere they go. Not only GPS, VoIP has been used by Life Watch. Using VoIP enables people to communicate through the internet, free of cost.

Evan never strives to do more. He wishes to introduce more telehealth products to benefit the old citizens of USA. He has already improved the sales using radio and television.

Evan SIrlin is the person behind the unique home alert systems that not only track the users but responds immediately and takes necessary steps in no time. Thus, Evan SIrlin saves a lot of lives through his business in the USA.

