Create an Explosion using Timeline

Eric Veciana
2 min readJun 28, 2023


Objective: Create an explosion using timeline

First, I am going to grab an explosion from Filebase.

Then, I can create an empty gameobject called Timeline and then I will create my director gameobject which will have the Playable Director in it.

Next, I’ve added a simple move script for my plane which will simply have it move forward.

However, I will not place this script on my plane. I will do some reorganization with my hierarchy and place the script on a parent empty gameobject to the plane. This is because when we deactivate the plane at the end, we don’t want the explosions to deactivate as well. So, I will now drag everything into my Parent Plane_Pos empty gameobject that has the script now.

Now that my plane moves and everything is setup, let’s get our director started. Create a new director over the Explosion Director gameobject.

Then, I will drag my explosion prefab as an activation track. Then, I will duplicate my explosions and drag that onto the editor as well.

Then, I will drag my plane object onto the end of this so that the last explosion is what destroys the plane.

And that should do it!



Eric Veciana

As a Unity and C# developer with a background in nursing, I'm a creative problem-solver with a passion for creating games and other interactive experiences.