Creating a Lightbulb Flicker Animation with Timeline

Eric Veciana
2 min readJun 27, 2023


Objective: Create a flicker, movement, and audio animation with lightbulb

I am going to use Timeline to create a bulb flicker, and then add a bulb blowing out animation, followed by a sway to simulate it’s been moved. I have created articles on each of these tracks individually, so this will be a brief run through.

First, I will create an empty GameObject called Timeline. Then, I will add my Director and then I can create my Timeline Director.

Then, I will grab a lightbulb from Filebase, and add a pointlight as a child.

Next, I can drag my pointlight and create an Activation Track.
Drag the lightbulb and create an Animation Track.
Finally, drag the SFX. For more on SFX, read here.

Now, within script, I want to press the K key to activate all of this. First, we have to add the Playables Engine to our script.

Next, I am simply going to enable director with the Input.

Here we have it!



Eric Veciana

As a Unity and C# developer with a background in nursing, I'm a creative problem-solver with a passion for creating games and other interactive experiences.