Pre/Post Extrapolation in Timeline

Eric Veciana
3 min readJun 16, 2023


Objective: Understanding extrapolation in Timeline

Extrapolation is essentially what the animation clip is going to do prior to or after actually running the animation. By default, it is set to “hold.”
Note, there will only be an option for pre-extrapolation if there is a frame before any of your clips begin.

The Hold will hold the clip in its end position until the next clip.

If I set the post extrapolate to None, it will snap back to the beginning of the clip once it reaches the end of the clip.

If we select the Loop option, once it reaches the end of the clip, it will simply continue looping until it reaches the next clip. This does not seem to work if the end of the clip is blending, and make sure the end of the clip is dragged all they way to the actual end of the clip, meaning, you won’t be able to shorten the clip and have it still loop.

If we select Ping Pong, once it reaches the end of the animation clip, it will reverse the animation.

If we select the Continue option, regardless if we shortened our clip, it will continue playing the given animation and will hold at the end of it.

The same rules will apply for pre-extrapolation. It will essentially create this animations prior to the clip playing. It’s important to also note that it will not perform the pre-extrapolation of the clip has an ease in blend.



Eric Veciana

As a Unity and C# developer with a background in nursing, I'm a creative problem-solver with a passion for creating games and other interactive experiences.