How Do You Write A Simple Succession Plan?

Eveland Law Firm
12 min readJul 1, 2024


Key Components of a Simple Succession Plan

Succession planning is a crucial process for any organization, ensuring a smooth transition of leadership and the continuity of operations in the future. A simple succession plan outlines the key components and strategies to identify and develop internal talent to fill important roles within the company. Let’s delve into the essential elements that make up a simple succession plan.

Identifying Key Positions

The first step in creating a simple succession plan is to identify key positions within the organization. These are roles that are critical to the functioning and success of the business. Key positions can vary depending on the industry and size of the company but generally include executive roles, specialized technical positions, and key management roles. Identifying these positions is essential to focus succession planning efforts where they are most needed.

Talent Assessment

Once key positions are identified, the next step is to assess the existing talent within the organization. This involves evaluating current employees based on their performance, potential, and readiness to assume higher roles. A talent assessment helps in identifying high-potential employees who can be groomed for future leadership positions. It also highlights areas where additional training or development may be required.

Succession Criteria

Establishing clear succession criteria is vital for a simple succession plan to be effective. Succession criteria outline the specific skills, experience, and competencies required for key positions. By setting clear criteria, organizations can objectively evaluate potential candidates based on merit and suitability for the role. This ensures that the succession process is fair and transparent.

Development Plans

Once high-potential employees are identified, development plans should be created to help them acquire the skills and experiences needed for future roles. Development plans may include on-the-job training, mentoring, coaching, job rotations, or formal education. These plans should be tailored to the individual needs of employees to help them reach their full potential.

Communication Strategy

Effective communication is key to the success of any succession plan. It is important to communicate the purpose and benefits of succession planning to employees at all levels of the organization. Transparent communication helps in gaining buy-in from employees and reduces uncertainty about the future. Regular updates on the progress of the succession plan can also help in keeping employees engaged and motivated.

Regular Review and Update

A simple succession plan should not be a one-time activity but a dynamic process that evolves with the organization. It is essential to regularly review and update the succession plan to ensure it remains relevant and aligns with the changing needs of the business. By staying proactive and making adjustments as needed, organizations can ensure the long-term success of their succession planning efforts.

A simple succession plan is a foundational tool for organizations to build a pipeline of future leaders and ensure business continuity. By focusing on key components such as identifying key positions, talent assessment, succession criteria, development plans, communication strategy, and regular review, organizations can create a robust succession plan that prepares them for the future.

Importance of Succession Planning for Small Businesses

Succession planning is a crucial aspect of any business, but it holds even more significance for small businesses. Establishing a simple succession plan is vital to ensure the continuity and longevity of a small business in the event of unforeseen circumstances. By outlining a clear strategy for transferring leadership and ownership to the next generation of leaders, small businesses can mitigate risks and maintain stability during times of transition.

Understanding Succession Planning

Succession planning involves identifying and developing internal talent to fill key leadership positions within the organization. For small businesses, this process is particularly important as they often have limited resources and personnel. By creating a succession plan, small business owners can proactively address potential gaps in leadership and skills that may arise due to retirements, resignations, or unforeseen events.

Assessing Leadership Needs

The first step in creating a simple succession plan is to assess the current and future leadership needs of the business. Small business owners should evaluate the skills, experience, and qualities required for key roles within the organization. By identifying potential candidates early on, businesses can provide them with the necessary training and development opportunities to prepare them for future leadership positions.

Identifying Successors

Once the leadership needs have been determined, the next step is to identify potential successors within the organization. Small business owners should consider employees who have shown potential for growth, leadership capabilities, and a deep understanding of the company’s operations. By grooming internal talent for future leadership roles, businesses can ensure a smooth transition when the time comes.

Developing Talent

After identifying potential successors, small businesses should focus on developing their skills and capabilities to prepare them for leadership roles. This can include providing mentoring opportunities, training programs, job rotations, and other developmental activities. By investing in the growth of their employees, small businesses can build a strong leadership pipeline for the future.

Communicating the Succession Plan

Transparency is key when it comes to succession planning in small businesses. Owners should communicate the succession plan to key stakeholders, including employees, investors, and family members involved in the business. By keeping everyone informed about the future leadership transition, businesses can ensure a smooth and seamless process when the time comes to hand over the reins.

Monitoring and Adjusting the Plan

Succession planning is not a one-time task but an ongoing process that requires regular review and adjustments. Small businesses should regularly assess the effectiveness of their succession plan and make revisions as needed based on changes in the business environment or the availability of new talent. By staying proactive and adaptable, businesses can ensure that their succession plan remains relevant and effective.

Developing a simple succession plan is essential for the long-term success of small businesses. By investing time and resources in identifying and developing future leaders, businesses can secure their legacy and thrive in the face of inevitable leadership transitions. By prioritizing succession planning, small businesses can build a solid foundation for continued growth and success.

Steps to Implement a Succession Plan Effectively

Succession planning is a crucial aspect of organizational management that ensures a smooth transition of leadership and key roles within a company. Developing a simple succession plan can help businesses mitigate risks associated with unexpected departures of key personnel and ensure continuity in operations. Here are the steps to implement a succession plan effectively.

Assess Organizational Needs and Goals

Before drafting a succession plan, it is essential to assess the current and future needs of the organization. Identify key positions that are critical to the company’s success and determine the skills and competencies required to fulfill those roles. Align succession planning with the overall strategic goals of the business to ensure that the plan meets the long-term objectives of the organization.

Identify Potential Successors

Identifying potential successors is a crucial step in succession planning. Look within the organization for high-potential employees who demonstrate the skills, experience, and motivation to take on key roles in the future. Develop a talent pool of internal candidates who can be groomed for leadership positions through training, mentorship, and hands-on experience.

Develop Succession Criteria

Establish clear criteria for evaluating potential successors based on factors such as performance, skills, leadership abilities, and cultural fit. Define the competencies and qualities that are essential for success in key roles within the organization. Having specific criteria in place makes the selection process more objective and ensures that the most qualified candidates are chosen for succession.

Create Individual Development Plans

Once potential successors have been identified, create individual development plans to help them acquire the skills and experiences needed to excel in future leadership positions. Provide opportunities for training, job rotation, mentoring, and stretch assignments to develop their leadership capabilities. Regularly review and update these development plans to track progress and address any gaps in skills or knowledge.

Establish a Succession Timeline

Set a clear timeline for the implementation of the succession plan, including milestones for the identification, development, and transition of key talent. Define when current leaders are expected to step down, when successors will be ready to assume their new roles, and how the handover process will occur. Having a well-defined timeline ensures that the succession plan stays on track and is implemented in a timely manner.

Monitor and Evaluate Progress

Regularly monitor and evaluate the progress of the succession plan to identify any issues or challenges that may arise. Measure the effectiveness of the plan in developing future leaders and ensuring a seamless transition of key roles. Solicit feedback from key stakeholders involved in the succession process to make any necessary adjustments and improvements to the plan.

Implementing a simple succession plan is essential for the long-term success and sustainability of any organization. By following these steps and best practices, businesses can effectively identify and develop future leaders, ensuring continuity and stability in leadership roles. Succession planning should be an ongoing process that evolves with the changing needs of the organization and the talent within it.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Creating a Succession Plan

Creating a successful succession plan is crucial for the long-term sustainability and growth of any organization. However, there are common mistakes that many businesses make when developing a succession plan that can hinder its effectiveness. By being aware of these pitfalls, you can ensure that your succession plan is robust and sets your company up for future success.

Lack of Clarity in Objectives

One of the most common mistakes when creating a succession plan is a lack of clarity in objectives. It is essential to clearly define the goals and purpose of the succession plan. Without a clear understanding of what you are trying to achieve, the plan may lack direction and effectiveness. Clearly outline the key objectives of the succession plan, such as identifying future leaders, developing talent within the organization, and ensuring a smooth transition of leadership.

Failure to Identify Key Roles and Responsibilities

Another critical mistake to avoid is the failure to identify key roles and responsibilities within the succession plan. Each role within the organization plays a vital part in its success, and it is essential to identify which roles are critical for succession planning. Clearly outline the key positions that need to be filled in the future and identify potential candidates or development plans for these roles.

Insufficient Development and Training

Succession planning is not just about identifying future leaders; it is also about developing and preparing them for future roles. A common mistake is to focus solely on identifying individuals without providing them with the necessary development and training opportunities. Investing in the growth and development of potential leaders is essential for the success of the succession plan.

Lack of Communication and Transparency

Effective communication is key to the success of any succession plan. One common mistake is the lack of transparency around the succession planning process, which can lead to confusion and resistance from employees. It is important to communicate openly about the purpose of the succession plan, the criteria for identifying future leaders, and any development opportunities available. Engaging employees in the process can also help build buy-in and support for the plan.

Failure to Regularly Review and Update the Plan

A successful succession plan is not a one-time activity but an ongoing process that requires regular review and updates. Failing to revisit and adjust the plan as needed can result in an outdated and ineffective succession strategy. Schedule regular reviews of the succession plan to assess its effectiveness, make any necessary adjustments based on changes within the organization, and ensure that it remains aligned with the company’s strategic goals.

Avoiding these common mistakes can help you create a simple succession plan that is effective, sustainable, and aligns with the long-term goals of your organization. By clearly defining objectives, identifying key roles, providing development opportunities, fostering open communication, and regularly reviewing the plan, you can set your company up for a smooth leadership transition and continued success.

Adapting Succession Plans to Changing Business Landscapes

Succession planning is a critical aspect of any business strategy, ensuring a smooth transition of leadership and the continuity of operations. With the ever-changing business landscapes, it is essential to adapt succession plans to meet the evolving needs and challenges that organizations face. In this article, we will explore how businesses can develop a simple yet effective succession plan that is flexible enough to navigate through changing times.

Understanding the Importance of Succession Planning for Business Continuity

Succession planning involves identifying and developing internal talent to fill key leadership positions when the need arises. It is not only about replacing outgoing executives but also about nurturing future leaders and ensuring a pipeline of skilled individuals ready to take on higher roles. By implementing a succession plan, businesses can mitigate risks associated with sudden departures, retirements, or unforeseen circumstances that may impact leadership stability.

Assessing Current Talent and Leadership Needs

The first step in crafting a succession plan is to assess the current talent pool within the organization. Identify high-potential employees who demonstrate leadership qualities, strategic thinking, and a commitment to growth and development. Understand the key roles that are critical to the business’s success and evaluate the skills and competencies required to fill those positions. By conducting a thorough talent assessment, businesses can pinpoint gaps and proactively develop individuals to assume leadership roles in the future.

Developing a Talent Development Strategy

Once the talent pool has been identified, businesses need to create a robust talent development strategy to groom future leaders. This may involve providing mentoring opportunities, offering leadership training programs, job rotations, and stretch assignments to broaden individuals’ skills and experiences. By investing in employee development, organizations not only prepare individuals for potential leadership roles but also increase employee engagement and retention.

Creating a Flexible Succession Plan

In today’s rapidly changing business environments, flexibility is key to the success of a succession plan. Organizations need to adapt their plans to accommodate unforeseen events, market disruptions, technological advancements, and other external factors that may impact the business. By regularly reviewing and updating the succession plan, businesses can ensure that it remains relevant and aligns with the organization’s strategic goals.

Communicating the Succession Plan

Communication is essential when it comes to succession planning. Employees at all levels should be aware of the organization’s succession strategy, understand their role in the process, and be informed about potential career advancement opportunities within the company. Transparent communication fosters trust and engagement among employees and encourages them to proactively develop their skills and competencies to fill future leadership positions.

Adapting succession plans to changing business landscapes is crucial for organizations to thrive in today’s dynamic environment. By understanding the importance of succession planning, assessing current talent needs, developing a talent development strategy, creating a flexible succession plan, and communicating effectively with employees, businesses can build a strong leadership pipeline and ensure continuity in leadership transitions. It is essential for organizations to invest in succession planning as a proactive measure to secure their future success.

Key Takeaway:

Key Takeaway:

Succession planning is a crucial aspect for the longevity and success of small businesses. By understanding the key components of a simple succession plan, recognizing its importance, implementing it effectively, avoiding common mistakes, and adapting to changing business landscapes, small business owners can ensure a smooth transition of leadership and sustain their operations for years to come.


A comprehensive succession plan is crucial for the sustainability and growth of small businesses. By understanding the key components of a simple succession plan and recognizing its importance, business owners can proactively prepare for leadership changes. Implementing a succession plan involves several strategic steps, from identifying key positions to developing and training potential successors. Avoiding common mistakes such as lack of communication and failure to update the plan regularly is essential for its success.

Moreover, adapting succession plans to changing business landscapes is paramount in today’s dynamic environment. Flexibility and foresight are key in ensuring that the succession plan remains relevant and effective over time. By incorporating feedback, monitoring industry trends, and adjusting succession strategies accordingly, small businesses can navigate transitions smoothly and promote continuity in leadership. Embracing innovation and considering future skills requirements are also vital aspects of adapting succession plans to evolving business needs.

Ultimately, succession planning is not just about finding a replacement for key roles; it is about fostering a culture of leadership development and continuity. Small businesses that invest time and resources into creating a robust succession plan position themselves for long-term success and resilience. By addressing potential gaps in leadership, identifying and nurturing talent within the organization, and staying adaptable in the face of change, businesses can build a strong foundation for sustained growth and prosperity.

The process of developing a simple succession plan may seem daunting at first, but the benefits far outweigh the challenges. Through careful planning, thoughtful implementation, and continuous refinement, small businesses can safeguard their future and thrive in a competitive marketplace. By prioritizing succession planning as a strategic priority, business owners can secure their legacy, empower future leaders, and ensure the continued success of their organizations for years to come.

Jeremy Eveland
8833 S Redwood Rd
West Jordan UT 84088
(801) 613–1472

