What Is The Foreclosure Process In Utah?

Eveland Law Firm
12 min readJul 1, 2024


Understanding the Foreclosure Process in Utah

The foreclosure process in Utah can be a challenging and overwhelming experience for homeowners facing financial difficulties. Understanding the steps involved in this process is crucial for anyone in this situation. By having a clear grasp of what to expect, individuals can make informed decisions and take appropriate actions to navigate through the foreclosure process effectively.

Overview of Foreclosure Process in Utah

In Utah, the foreclosure process is primarily non-judicial, which means that it does not require court intervention. The process typically begins when a homeowner defaults on their mortgage payments. Once the default occurs, the lender is required to issue a Notice of Default (NOD) to the homeowner. This notice informs the homeowner that they are in default and that foreclosure proceedings will begin if the default is not cured within a specific time frame.

Notice of Trustee’s Sale

After the Notice of Default has been issued and the specified cure period has passed without the default being remedied, the lender can proceed with issuing a Notice of Trustee’s Sale. This notice sets a date for the property to be sold at a public auction. The Notice of Trustee’s Sale must be recorded with the county where the property is located and published in a local newspaper for three consecutive weeks.

Trustee’s Sale

The Trustee’s Sale is the public auction where the foreclosed property is sold to the highest bidder. The sale is typically conducted by a trustee appointed by the lender. The highest bidder at the auction will become the new owner of the property after the sale is finalized.

Right of Redemption

In Utah, homeowners have the right of redemption, which allows them to reclaim their property after the foreclosure sale by paying off the total amount owed to the lender, including the principal balance, interest, fees, and costs incurred during the foreclosure process. The right of redemption period in Utah is generally 180 days after the sale.


If the former homeowner does not exercise their right of redemption within the specified period, they may face eviction. The new owner of the property can initiate eviction proceedings to remove the former homeowner from the premises.

Navigating the foreclosure process in Utah can be a complex and daunting experience. By understanding the steps involved, homeowners can be better prepared to take the necessary actions to address their financial challenges. Seeking professional advice and exploring options such as loan modifications or short sales can help homeowners avoid foreclosure and protect their interests. It is essential for individuals facing foreclosure to be proactive and informed throughout the process to achieve the best possible outcome.

Key Steps Involved in Foreclosure Proceedings

The foreclosure process in Utah follows specific steps that both lenders and homeowners need to be aware of to navigate this challenging situation effectively.

Initiation of Foreclosure Proceedings

When a homeowner in Utah defaults on their mortgage payments, the lender initiates the foreclosure process. This typically begins with the lender sending a Notice of Default to the homeowner, informing them that they are in breach of the mortgage agreement.

Notice of Trustee Sale

After the Notice of Default is issued, the lender must provide the homeowner with a Notice of Trustee Sale. This notice informs the homeowner of the date and time of the foreclosure sale. In Utah, foreclosure sales are typically held at public auctions.

West Jordan Real Estate Attorney Jeremy Eveland

Foreclosure Auction

The foreclosure auction is where the property is sold to the highest bidder. The auction usually takes place on the county courthouse steps. Interested buyers, as well as the lender, can bid on the property. The property is sold to the highest bidder, who must pay in cash or with a cashier’s check.

Trustee’s Deed

If the property is successfully sold at auction, the winning bidder receives a Trustee’s Deed. This document transfers ownership of the property from the homeowner to the new buyer. The homeowner must vacate the property at this stage.

Redemption Period

In Utah, homeowners have the right to redeem their property after the foreclosure sale. The redemption period allows the homeowner to repurchase the property by paying the outstanding loan amount, plus any additional fees and costs incurred during the foreclosure process.

Deficiency Judgments

If the property is sold at auction for less than the outstanding loan amount, the lender may seek a deficiency judgment against the homeowner. A deficiency judgment allows the lender to recover the remaining balance from the homeowner.


If the homeowner fails to redeem the property during the redemption period, they face eviction. The new owner, typically the lender or the winning bidder at the auction, can seek a court order to remove the homeowner from the property.

Understanding the foreclosure process in Utah is crucial for both homeowners and lenders involved in such proceedings. By being aware of the key steps involved, individuals can make informed decisions and take appropriate actions to protect their interests. It is essential for homeowners facing foreclosure to seek professional advice and explore all available options to potentially avoid the loss of their property.

Rights and Obligations of Homeowners in Foreclosure

Homeownership in the state of Utah comes with both rights and obligations that are essential to understand, especially in the unfortunate event of facing foreclosure. The foreclosure process in Utah follows specific guidelines and regulations set forth by state laws. As a homeowner, it is crucial to be aware of your rights and obligations during this challenging time to navigate the process effectively.

Understanding Foreclosure Process in Utah

Foreclosure is the legal process through which a lender can repossess a property when a homeowner fails to make mortgage payments. In Utah, foreclosures can be either judicial or non-judicial, depending on the type of foreclosure outlined in the loan agreement. Understanding the type of foreclosure you are facing is the first step in comprehending your rights and obligations as a homeowner.

Rights of Homeowners in Foreclosure

As a homeowner facing foreclosure in Utah, you have several rights that aim to protect you during the process. One crucial right is the opportunity to reinstate the mortgage by paying off the amount owed within a specific timeframe. Utah law also allows homeowners the right to redeem the property after the foreclosure sale by reimbursing the full amount owed.

West Jordan Real Estate Attorney Jeremy Eveland

Another essential right for homeowners in Utah is the right to receive proper notice before the foreclosure process begins. Lenders are required to provide homeowners with a notice of default and a notice of sale, ensuring transparency throughout the process. Additionally, homeowners have the right to seek legal counsel and explore options such as loan modification or mediation to avoid foreclosure.

Obligations of Homeowners in Foreclosure

While homeowners have rights during the foreclosure process, they also have certain obligations to fulfill. One primary obligation is to maintain the property until the foreclosure is finalized. Failure to upkeep the property may result in additional fines or legal consequences, prolonging the foreclosure process.

Homeowners in Utah are also obligated to participate in good faith efforts to resolve the default. This may include communicating with the lender, providing necessary financial information, and exploring alternatives to foreclosure. By fulfilling these obligations, homeowners can potentially avoid foreclosure or mitigate its impact on their financial well-being.

Seek Professional Guidance

Navigating the foreclosure process in Utah can be complex and overwhelming. Therefore, it is advisable for homeowners facing foreclosure to seek professional guidance from housing counselors, attorneys, or financial advisors. These experts can provide valuable insights, explore available options, and help homeowners make informed decisions regarding their property and finances.

Understanding your rights and obligations as a homeowner in foreclosure is essential for effectively managing this challenging situation. By being aware of the laws and regulations governing the foreclosure process in Utah, homeowners can take proactive steps to protect their interests and work towards a favorable resolution. Remember, seeking assistance and staying informed are key aspects of successfully dealing with foreclosure proceedings.

Options for Avoiding Foreclosure in Utah

The potential of facing foreclosure can be a distressing experience for homeowners in Utah. However, there are several proactive steps individuals can take to avoid foreclosure and potentially save their homes. From loan modification to refinancing and seeking assistance from government programs, exploring different options can help homeowners navigate through challenging financial situations. Here’s an overview of various strategies that individuals facing foreclosure in Utah can consider to protect their homes.

Loan Modification

One of the primary options for avoiding foreclosure in Utah is seeking a loan modification. This process involves negotiating with the lender to modify the terms of the existing loan to make it more affordable for the homeowner. Through loan modification, homeowners may be able to lower their monthly mortgage payments, extend the loan term, or even negotiate a lower interest rate. By demonstrating financial hardship and the ability to make modified payments, homeowners can potentially avoid foreclosure and keep their homes.

West Jordan Real Estate Attorney Jeremy Eveland


Refinancing is another option available to homeowners in Utah facing foreclosure. By refinancing their mortgage, homeowners can replace their current loan with a new one, ideally with better terms and a lower interest rate. Refinancing can help homeowners reduce their monthly mortgage payments, making it more manageable to stay current on the loan. However, it’s essential to consider the costs associated with refinancing and ensure that the new loan terms are sustainable in the long run.

Government Programs

Several government programs are designed to assist homeowners in Utah who are at risk of foreclosure. The Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) and the Principal Reduction Alternative (PRA) are federal initiatives aimed at helping homeowners modify their mortgages and reduce their outstanding loan balances. Additionally, the Utah Foreclosure Prevention Taskforce offers resources and support to homeowners facing foreclosure, including foreclosure counseling services and assistance in exploring alternative options to foreclosure.

Short Sale

In some cases where homeowners are unable to keep up with mortgage payments and facing foreclosure in Utah, a short sale may be a viable solution. A short sale involves selling the property for less than the outstanding mortgage balance with the lender’s approval. While a short sale will result in the loss of the home, it can help homeowners avoid foreclosure and minimize the negative impact on their credit score compared to a foreclosure. It’s crucial to work closely with a real estate agent or an attorney experienced in short sales to navigate this process effectively.

Forbearance Agreement

Another option for homeowners in Utah experiencing temporary financial hardship is to negotiate a forbearance agreement with the lender. A forbearance agreement allows homeowners to temporarily pause or reduce their mortgage payments for a specific period. Once the forbearance period ends, homeowners can work with the lender to establish a repayment plan to catch up on the missed payments. A forbearance agreement can provide temporary relief and allow homeowners to stabilize their financial situation.

West Jordan Real Estate Attorney Jeremy Eveland

Homeowners in Utah facing foreclosure have several options to explore and potentially avoid the loss of their homes. By proactively seeking assistance, negotiating with lenders, and considering alternative solutions such as loan modification, refinancing, government programs, short sales, and forbearance agreements, individuals can take steps to protect their homes and secure their financial future. It’s essential for homeowners to act quickly, seek professional guidance, and assess all available options to make informed decisions regarding their mortgage and housing situation.

Impact of Foreclosure on Credit Scores

Understanding the Impact of Foreclosure on Credit Scores

Foreclosure is a challenging and distressing process that many homeowners may face at some point in their lives. Aside from losing their homes, individuals going through foreclosure often experience significant financial repercussions that can have long-lasting effects on their credit scores.

How Foreclosure Affects Credit Scores

When a homeowner fails to make their mortgage payments and their property goes into foreclosure, it is reported to credit bureaus. This negative mark on their credit report can cause a substantial drop in their credit score. The exact impact of foreclosure on a credit score can vary depending on the individual’s overall credit history and score prior to the foreclosure.

Decrease in Credit Score

Typically, a foreclosure can lead to a decrease of 100 points or more in an individual’s credit score. The higher the person’s credit score before the foreclosure, the more significant the drop is likely to be. This decrease can make it challenging for individuals to qualify for new lines of credit, loans, or even rental housing in the future.

Duration of Negative Impact

One of the most critical aspects of foreclosure’s impact on credit scores is the duration of the negative mark. A foreclosure remains on a credit report for seven years, significantly affecting the individual’s ability to secure favorable loan terms during this period. Even after the foreclosure is removed from the credit report, its impact can still be felt indirectly through higher interest rates and reduced credit opportunities.

Rebuilding Credit After Foreclosure

While a foreclosure can have a severe impact on credit scores, it is essential to remember that it is not the end of the road. There are steps individuals can take to start rebuilding their credit after going through a foreclosure. These steps include:

  • Paying Bills on Time: Timely payments on other debts can help demonstrate responsible financial behavior.
  • Securing a Secured Credit Card: Using a secured credit card can be a practical way to start rebuilding credit.
  • Monitoring Credit Reports: Regularly checking credit reports for inaccuracies and addressing them promptly is crucial.
  • Seeking Credit Counseling: Professional credit counseling services can provide guidance on managing finances post-foreclosure.

The impact of foreclosure on credit scores can be substantial and long-lasting. However, with diligence, patience, and proper financial management, individuals can take steps to rebuild their credit over time. By understanding the effects of foreclosure on credit scores and taking proactive measures to improve financial health, individuals can work towards a brighter financial future despite past challenges.

Key Takeaway:

The foreclosure process in Utah can be a daunting experience for homeowners facing financial difficulties. Understanding the key steps involved in foreclosure proceedings is crucial to navigating this challenging situation. Homeowners in Utah have certain rights and obligations during the foreclosure process, which they need to be aware of to protect their interests.

When a homeowner falls behind on mortgage payments, the lender may initiate foreclosure proceedings. The key steps in the foreclosure process in Utah typically include the lender sending a notice of default, followed by a notice of sale if the default is not remedied. Homeowners have the right to cure the default, but if they are unable to do so, the property may be sold at a public auction.

West Jordan Real Estate Attorney Jeremy Eveland

During the foreclosure process, homeowners in Utah have the obligation to respond to legal notices and participate in any mediation or court proceedings. It is essential for homeowners to seek legal advice to understand their rights and options. Utah law provides some protections for homeowners, including the right to redemption where they can buy back the property after a foreclosure sale.

There are several options available to homeowners in Utah to avoid foreclosure, such as loan modifications, forbearance agreements, short sales, or deeds in lieu of foreclosure. These options can help homeowners keep their homes or exit the property gracefully without the negative consequences of foreclosure.

One significant concern for homeowners facing foreclosure is the impact on their credit scores. Foreclosure can have a severe and long-lasting impact on credit scores, making it challenging to obtain credit in the future. It is essential for homeowners to be proactive in seeking alternatives to foreclosure to minimize the negative effects on their credit.

Understanding the foreclosure process in Utah, knowing your rights and obligations, exploring alternatives to foreclosure, and being aware of the credit score implications are crucial aspects for homeowners facing foreclosure. Seeking professional guidance and taking proactive steps can help homeowners navigate this challenging situation with greater confidence and control.


Understanding the foreclosure process in Utah is crucial for homeowners facing financial difficulties. By knowing the key steps involved in foreclosure proceedings, individuals can better navigate the legal requirements and timelines associated with this process. It is essential for homeowners to be aware of their rights and obligations during foreclosure, ensuring they are informed and prepared to make the best decisions for their situation.

While the prospect of foreclosure can be daunting, there are options available for avoiding this outcome in Utah. Homeowners can explore alternatives such as loan modifications, refinancing, or selling the property before foreclosure takes place. Seeking guidance from financial advisors, housing counselors, or legal professionals can provide valuable insights and assistance in finding a suitable solution.

One significant consideration for homeowners facing foreclosure is the impact it can have on their credit scores. Foreclosure can severely damage credit ratings, making it challenging to secure loans or credit in the future. By understanding how foreclosure affects credit scores, individuals can take proactive steps to mitigate the long-term consequences and work towards rebuilding their financial standing.

Navigating the foreclosure process in Utah requires a thorough understanding of the key steps involved, as well as awareness of homeowner rights and obligations. By exploring alternative options to foreclosure and addressing the impact on credit scores, homeowners can make informed decisions to protect their interests and financial well-being. Seeking support from professionals and exploring available resources can help individuals facing foreclosure find a way forward and regain stability in their financial lives.

Jeremy Eveland
17 North State Street
Lindon Utah 84042
(801) 613–1472

