Why I need your vote: Support my mission of making dyslexia resources universally available.

Evelyn Sakura Brokering
3 min readNov 23, 2022


I am a finalist for Lime Connect’s “In the Limelight” video contest🎉

Please VOTE for Evelyn B. ➡️ https://m.lndg.page/C741fN?sre=2NlOq4spqJ8Wj

Up to 20% of the world’s population could be struggling with dyslexia, according to Yale, and I am one of those people.

In the video I entered for the “In the Limelight” video contest, I talk about my dyslexia story—moving from Japan to America to get an education that accommodated my learning differences—and my mission of making dyslexia resources universally available.

When I think back, I feel very lucky and privileged that I had the opportunity to move to America, to have my condition diagnosed, and to receive accommodations for school. Knowing that so many people with dyslexia don’t have such an opportunity breaks my heart.

So now, I am creating a dyslexia-resources web application platform — a platform I wish I’d had when I was a struggling student back in Japan with no resources.

I entered this contest in hopes of using 100% of the prize to build this platform.

I believe that providing dyslexia resources digitally on the web is the best way to help the largest number of people around the world, in the fastest way.

In this article, I will explain the problem and the corresponding needs and solutions.

Project Details

The Problem: People with dyslexia fail to accomplish their academic goals as successfully as neurotypicals.

  • ​For the initial problem discovery, I noticed that people with dyslexia have a hard time succeeding in school without the help of digital accommodations. Researchers predict “only 34% of students with dyslexia will graduate from college within eight years.” (NLTS2, 2011)​
  • In my personal experience, I even had to move to a different country to receive accommodation since Japan wasn’t providing me any help and I was failing no matter how much I studied. After relocating to America, I finally received the accommodations and resources I needed to succeed in school. This enabled me to graduate from both high school and college.
  • I first collected data from thirteen target users, people with dyslexia or people who have major challenges with reading and/or writing. I was able to pinpoint three problems that people with dyslexia were having:
  1. Finding a Community to Talk to for Advice
  2. Lack of Reliable Resources
  3. Accessibility Needs

Solution: Provide users with accessible resources.

I will address these three problems by providing:

  1. User-Rated Resources
  2. Discussion Platform
  3. Accessibility Settings

With the customizable accessibility option, users can find their ideal settings to help their reading techniques.​

Results: User satisfaction score of 93%.

I conducted two rounds of user testing with people with dyslexia. When participants were asked how often they would use this platform, the average rating was 9.25/10. 🙌

Current Steps:

I am finalizing my web application design to be user-tested by people with dyslexia.

Other Links:

  • View Case Study for this project
  • Learn more about the progress of this project:

I would much appreciate it if you would vote for me and my vision🙏VOTE for Evelyn B.➡️ https://m.lndg.page/C741fN?sre=2NlOq4spqJ8Wj

Thank you so much for your support😊 Feel free to contact me if you have any feedback or would like to be part of the usability testing.

📧 Email: evelyn.brokering@gmail.com

👩‍💻 Learn more on my website: https://www.evelynbrokering.com/

