«M»’s powerful cocktail of vitamins and supplements

Dear Cancer,

Thank you for your services.

Evelyn Mezquita @elpoderdeser


For the past 10 months, I’ve been up, close and personal with cancer.

Not as close as me having it, but as close as somebody I love with all my Soul going through it.

For the purpose of this post, I’ll just call this beautiful being experiencing cancer: «M».

Disclosure: Some people experiencing dis-eases, as «M», choose the path less traveled when it comes to healing treatments. They decide to use alternative methods instead of the traditional routes, following their intuition and resonance. Even though it has been a tough journey, «M» has not regretted the unconventional choice once. Instead of paying the price of disputes, judgments, separation, and questioning, everyone deserves our respect and support in their decisions beyond our own personal preferences. It’s the least we can do.

Love Not War

Lately, I’ve seen around many “Fuck cancer!” bumper stickers and t-shirts.

But as much as cancer is definitively NOT an experience of my preference for me, for «M» or for anybody to live…

I am very much aware of the powerful effect of my vibrational attitude in my life.

Regarding the stickers there’s nothing wrong with swearing (if you’ve ever read any of my posts, you know I’m a passionate user of strong language), or wanting to express the profound dislike for the disease. Go for it!

But for sure, the whole idea of “battling” or “hating” cancer, has a vibrational frequency of war and anger installed in it that is far from the frequency of love, that the body, mind, and heart of someone experiencing cancer needs within — and everywhere close by.

To fight an illness is to fight ourselves.

What’s the point in that, right?

When we approach our health challenges (or any kind, for that matter) from the energy of love, we open ourselves to the message it brings.

So as my way to support «M» and everyone involved, I have chosen a frequency aligned to the peace of allowing and the power of awakening, over the anger of hating and the pain of resisting.

Having said that I’ll share some ideas for what they might be worth, in case you — or someone you know — needs a quite different perspective about cancer or any other (fucking) tough challenge.

What I Believe

First and foremost: I don’t have all this figured it out.

Neither I can prove to you anything of what I’ll write below.

But I know it to be true beyond believing it.

I’ll just share what I’ve found of service for me in order to live this event in the most loving, supporting, empowering and conscious way possible.

I believe, without the shadow of a doubt, that we choose the general themes we experience in life (challenging or not), from higher levels of Consciousness, and not the physical mind.

These choices occur for the innocent and benevolent purpose of Existence of experiencing itself through the spectrum of infinite possibilities. Without judgments about each affair.

For the sake of simplicity and time, I’ll reduce this profound concept to its minimum expression.

(please stay with me. I’ll make it simple)

On the other side of the general themes, are the specific circumstances. Content & Form let’s say.

The specifics (form), are chosen by the person (the human, the «you» you are used to be).

The human adventure of life then, is framed in the spectacular dance between the choices of us as Consciousness, and those of our human-character/persona.

So yes, I believe that at a higher level of Consciousness «M» chose the journey of awakening that cancer is offering as a context.

And yes, in parallel at the human level, I believe «M» choices regarding body self-care, and the handling and avoidance of emotions throughout life — (being this the root-cause of any disease as we know them) — both had a part in the play as well.

For some of you this might sound radical and even hippie, but believe me, I’m not just talking about hardcore spirituality here, but the physics of reality as well.

After having lived specially closely the life of «M» in the past 10 months, I can say…

Cancer is a cause as well as an effect

Due to cancer, the life of «M» has changed thoroughly and fundamentally, not only at the physical level but in a very significant and relevant way, at the emotional one.

«M» has processed, re-membered, confronted and crumbled down a lot of stories and unprocessed wounds, guilt, anger and much more. And also has expanded and connected with unknown levels of the subconscious mind, and Soul that never even considered that existed.

Not only «M»’s life has changed, but the life of those closest to «M».

Can’t even start explaining how much in some cases. But in all of them… everything has been chosen. There’re no victims. Just themes to be fully lived and transcended.

Cancer has become a context for deep awakening.

A scenario ~and an extremely powerful tool~ for every one involved to review their life’s philosophy and their deepest fears, beliefs, and expectations; as well as for confronting past and present personal stories, ego centered paradigms, memories, forgotten desires, judgments, and the whole game of shaming, blaming and justifying we as humans tend to immerse ourselves into.

The Caves

Along with «M», today I spent a long day of traveling, treatments, tests and emotions being processed. So I started writing as a cathartic exercise, also with the desire of serving you from my heart.

But as I write, I dive deeper and deeper into the caves of this theme full of power, love, pain and the promise of true liberation and expansion, and I realize this goes way way beyond what I can write in one post…

So I’ll leave it here, truly wishing I’ve made some sense, and maybe, just maybe, I’ve said a word or two that might serve as a catalyst for your own awakening.

If you are supporting someone living a challenge… please love them unconditionally. Don’t question their decisions. You have no right to do so no matter how much you love them. Remember… no-conditions.

And if you’re going through a similar challenge to «M», I can just respect you, love you, and offer you a virtual unconditional hug. May you connect to your light and True Power along the journey.

All I can say now is…

Dear Cancer,

Thank you for your services so far.

As much as I accept my mind’s desire of you ending your shift, my Soul connects to the highest good of all taking place, while down here each one of us own what is for us to own.



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Today is D17 of #My500Words 31 day challenge. Please feel free to sneak around for more posts both in English (obviously not my mother tongue) and Spanish (yes, you guessed it right). And maybe even visit my two Instagram accounts, full of service, love and value: @evelyneyes and @theexcitementmovement



Evelyn Mezquita @elpoderdeser

Awakening addict | Unapologetic | Arroz con mango espiritual & humano | Sin promesas.