Eve Moran
1 min readNov 1, 2016


Your reaction to her honesty shows why just being “pro-choice” isn’t enough. Is she supposed to hide that fact so she can be more deserving of care she needed?

No. I think the worst thing about our national conversation about women’s bodies is that we’re not permitted to just have them. We always have to have this attitude that our bodies can betray us, that our pleasure and our feelings have to fit into a very narrow range of activities. And often, the people policing this are other women. This isn’t a child who needs to hear “the talk”. And that you had to come tell her about your perfect use of your body only reinforces the notion that our bodies don’t really belong to us.



Eve Moran

A Texan living in California. 2 kids, 2 cats, 4 chickens and a strong suspicion that most people are good.