Deploy a commercial Next.js application with pkg and docker
As I mentioned in the “Make Your React Service Portal”, there is a scenario that we deliver commercial applications with docker. Letting customers operate their own applications without source code is the key point in this deploy flow.
Nowadays, Golang
may be the best solution of back-end application and end up with the smallest binary file. Node.js is a common choice in front-end/React ecosystems. However, there is no built-in function to package Node.js
project. Fortunately, the pkg CLI made by zeit does a great job for Node.js platform.
In this artical, we will introduce pkg to package the Next.js application into an single executable file and use Docker to wrap it with Alpine Linux environment.
The pkg CLI enables you to package your Node.js project into an executable that can be run even on devices without Node.js installed. — zeit/pkg
First, we need to describe pkg configuration of a Node.js project in package.json
: The entrypoint of Node.js project. You will need a custom server for the Next.js project.pkg.assets
: Raw contents of the project. You might want to specify several public static files built by Next.js here.pkg.scripts
: The JavaScript files need to be compiled into binary without sources.
Next.js file path problem
Second, the pkg puts packaged files in their own snapshot filesystem prefixed with /snapshot/
during the process. You may encounter some path related problems at runtime, we need to customize the next
server of Next.js:
// server.jsconst next = require('next');
const nextConfig = require('./next.config');const app = next({ dev, dir: __dirname, conf: nextConfig });
Then, run the command to package the entire application into an executable. You can also specify the target machine environments with --targets
option and output path via --out-path
as well.
$ pkg . --targets node9-alpine-x64 --out-path pkg# output to pkg/binary
Trick of reducing binary size for Next.js project
The original binary file is 85.4MB
. The main bottleneck is that pkg package unnecessary files.
One is document-like files. We can introduce .yarnclean
to remove them from node_modules (-0.2MB
). The other is that Next.js treat devDependencies
as dependencies
. However, we don’t really need them for production usage (e.g. webpack):
$ yarn autoclean --force
$ rm -rf node_modules/webpack node_modules/webpack-dev-middleware node_modules/webpack-hot-middleware
The final size of binary file is about 66MB
Docker multi-stage builds
Docker could be a popular solution to deliver the application with machine environments. Customers can directly use docker-compose or Kubernetes to manage container services.
To make the docker image even smaller, we use Docker multi-stage builds (requiring Docker 17.05 or higher) to reduce layers and remove useless files. Here, we copy the single binary artifact made by pkg from first stage to the second stage.
In the first stage named as “builder” stage, it cotains a regular npm flow. We use mhart/alpine-node
as base image and copy all source codes into the container. Do the processes of installing node_modules, building Next.js and packaging into binary:
// Dockerfile - stage 1FROM mhart/alpine-node AS builder
COPY . .
RUN yarn install
RUN yarn run build
RUN yarn run pkg
In the second stage, we copy one single executable file from the first builder stage. We adopt the Alpine image alpine
which is the smallest Linux image. Just to remind, you might need to install some missing apk libraries (e.g. libstdc++
// Dockerfile - stage 2FROM alpine
RUN apk update && \
apk add --no-cache libstdc++ libgcc ca-certificates && \
rm -rf /var/cache/apk/*WORKDIR /app
COPY --from=builder /app/pkg .
CMD ./next-app
Finally, build the docker image and run with predefined environment variables:
$ docker build -t app .
$ docker run --rm -it -p 3003:3003 -e "PORT=3003" app
Deploy to
We now deliver the docker image to customers without source code. It is also possible to verify it by deploying the docker service to any PaaS.
supports Docker multi-stage builds in OSS plan. All we need is one command:
$ now --docker
That’s it. Awesome zeit!
In this article we take a look at an example of delivering a commercial Next.js application with pkg and docker. It is quite convenient to deploy it to cloud service. Technically, this approach should work with every Node.js project.
The full source code is available on GitHub evenchange4/nextjs-pkg-docker-alpine repository.
Further Readings
Thanks to Lynn Lin.