Why Smartphones Need More Than One Camera?

Why do modern smartphones have several cameras? What is the average time an average person spends on their phone? Why do smartphones keep getting bigger? So many questions… And just as many answers!

5 min readSep 16, 2020

Why do modern smartphones have several cameras?

Lots of modern smartphones have multiple rear-facing cameras because it helps to create a 3-D model of the scene. When images from several cameras get blended, it produces sharp, high-quality photos. Plus, one camera wouldn’t be able to combine all necessary features: zoom, portrait mode, and whatnot.

The very first camera phone appeared in Japan in 1999. Its front-facing camera had a resolution of0.11 megapixels. The device could store up to 20 JPEG images and even send them over email. During 2013, people all over the world took 660 billion digital photos. Four years later, this number was already 1,200 billion pics! -

You can use your smartphone camera to scan and digitize old negatives. Choose “the negative effect” option in the camera app and take a photo of the film. The quality might not be that great, but you have your childhood pics now.

What is the average time a person spends on their phone?

Nomophobia is a fear of being left without your smartphone. It’s a short form of “no mobile phone phobia.” Lots of people nowadays also have “ringxiety”- they hear or feel their phones ringing when they aren’t.- There are smartphone apps that allow you to lock, unlock, and even start your car with the help of your gadget.

Throwing cell phones is a national sport in Finland. Competitions are held every year. Participants aren’t allowed to bring their own phones and have to throw donated devices. What’s the fun of that? — Almost 3.5 billion people own a smartphone these days. In other words, nearly every second person you meet in the street will have their own device.

The old Nokia text ringtone is Morse code for the letters SMS. Depending on age, the average smartphone user unlocks their device up to 80 times a day. The record-holder is Generation Z — people born between the 1990s and the early 2010s.

How to Turn the smartphone into a nightlight?

You can turn your smartphone into a nightlight if the device has an LED flash. Get a transparent plastic bottle and fill it with water. Switch on your phone’s flashlight, place the gadget face up, and put the bottle over it. The light from the flash will get diffused, and the makeshift lamp will illuminate your room.

After doing some online shopping (in a web browser or a mobile app), 42% of smartphone users open another shopping app or a communication app. It means they either continue their shopping spree or go tell their friends about their purchases.

Why do smartphones keep getting bigger?

Smartphones are getting bigger because that’s what people need! Lots of users prefer their phones to laptops or tablets since they’re easier to handle. And big screens make smartphones very convenient whenever you want to watch a video, browse the Internet, or play a game.

Most smartphone users spend up to 3 hours per day on their phones. It’s 1 hour more than it used to be in 2012. And since the average global lifespan is 72years, throughout your life, you’ll use your smartphone for 6 years and 8 months. It’s twice more than you’ll spend on eating and drinking!

Secret Android Google Maps features

Android Google Maps have a one-icon widget that will always direct you to the address you’ve chosen (for example, your home). You can make a home screen shortcut that will take you to the needed destination from any other place — just tap it.

ALSO READ (How Touch Screen Display Works?)

Modular smartphone

You’ll probably be using a modular smartphone in the nearest future. It’ll be a device with components you’ll be able to upgrade independently. The basic part will be the main board to which you’ll attach additional “modules,” such as a powerful camera or battery. This will make the repair cost of such phones way lower.

The first “smartphone” was named SIMON. It had a touch-screen keyboard, games, an address book, the calendar, world clock, and calculator apps. You could use it to send e-mails and faxes. The price of the device was more than $1,000.

Modern-day smartphones are packed with cutting-edge technologies and functions. And still, the most common use of these powerful devices is checking the time!

What is Bluetooth?

Bluetooth was named after a Nordic king Harald “Bluetooth” Blatant. The man was famous for his persuasion skills. He also had Bluetooth. This smartphone is “stinky” compatible”. That sure doesn’t have the same “je ne sais quoi”.

How to use App Cloner?

Android phones have a menu option called” App Cloner,” which can create several copies of the same app. It allows you to simultaneously run multiple accounts from the same device. You can also keep different versions of one application.

Smartphones do NOT slow down with time, even though it may seem so. With rapidly changing technologies, developers add tons of new features to their apps. These updates draw more resources from your phone. That’s why your favorite apps start working more slowly on your gadget. Plus, older phones usually have their memory cramped, which doesn’t help the situation.





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