A Day In the Life with Benson, a Nashville Eventbrite Office Dog

4 min readFeb 25, 2019


Meet Benson, one of our most popular Nashville barklings! Although most known for his style, Benson is a hardworking pup who loves all things EB!


Hear my humans’ alarm go off. I ignore it while they try to make the bed around me.


Get out of bed. Hear dad pouring breakfast into my bowl so go downstairs to check it out and go outside.


Get dressed. Mom dresses me with bowtie, sweater, or bandana (whatever is seasonally appropriate at that time)


Morning zoomies! Entice humans in a fun game of chase when we walk outside to leave the house. Figure eights around the deck are mom’s favorite in the winter time.


Car. Ride. Two of my favorite words! Say hi to all my other human friends in cars while we drive to work. Lick windows when it’s cold outside.


My grand entrance- sniff around cafe for leftover crumbs. Greet fellow Britelings and Barklings with all the love and licks. Start with BX and ask Mer for treat. Then walk over to Maranda in Britetech for second treat. Wiggle tush in excitement.

B-line it to Sales team for more attention and pats. Search for ping pong balls and wait patiently for someone to move their cabinet to attack any found ping pong balls. Find Austin for third treat of the morning.


Time to be a good boy. While mom meets with humans in our Marketing and Product departments, I hold down the fort at our desk, making sure to greet every person that walks by with a gummy smile.


Time for business. Sometimes I go with mom to meetings and my job is to protect the door at all times. No one in and no one out unless they go through me. Once the perimeter is safe, then it’s okay to jump on laps to join in on pertinent topics such as buyer personas with the Sales Enablement team or talk strategy with our Engineering team.


Snack time! Sifted brings us lunch and it’s my job to help with clean up. Chicken tender day is my favorite day; I don’t care much for the green leafy stuff. If I don’t find many crumbs to snack on, Maggie on the Sales team usually has goldfish on hand at her desk.


Afternoon zoomies! The halls in our building, Cummins Station, are long and carpeted, which creates a perfect runway with just enough traction for sprints. Mom usually lets me off leash to get my energy out which means I get to meet humans in other offices who leave their doors open for me. My favorites are Moondance Adventures and Post Mates because they usually pick me up and give me extra hugs and pats.


Fresh air. I meet and sniff new furry friends in the park area outside of our building. My mom talks to the mom of the two pugs, or “the twins” as I like to call them. Something about short nosed breeds.


Play time! My friend Jay on our Customer Success team comes by and we roll around and laugh and play. We play tug-o-war and sometimes I let him win. Pose for picture for Dylan. He puts me on his “stories”. Whatever that means…


Now for social hour! It’s been a while since I’ve had attention so I look around to see who I can make eye contact with. Ah hah! McGavock, an Account Executive on our Sales team, has weights that look like toys. He looks like he wants to share. To distract me Maggie gives me more Goldfish. Sometimes she likes to shake my hand before giving them to me. Very formal, but I oblige.


My grand exit. Stroll to the door and make sure to say goodnight to everyone on my way out. Double check cafe for crumbs. See if Maranda is at her desk to get another treat. I’ve worked pretty hard so deserve one. Say goodbye to my friends on our way out!

Do you want to join Benson and our team in the Nashville office? Be sure to check out our Careers Page to stay up-to-date on all our open positions!




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