How a social analytics company helped rack up UGC by 300% at a concert

3 min readMar 30, 2016


That’s 176 tweets in merely 2 hours of the live wall being on

Eventifier held the social media reins at a recently held concert in Bangalore. And although 176 tweets doesn’t seem like a huge number, the pace at which we managed to accrue those many posts was blistering.

Being a social media content aggregation tool, Eventifier finds patrons in events and conferences from across the globe. All relevant chatter from multiple social media platforms is culled and displayed.

For a big catch you ought to have a net that does the job and our event specific hashtags are more than expedient enough. This was clearly evident during the concert.

The Fishing Net #BadshahInBangalore

With “#BadshahInBangalore” displayed on the live wall we now had the attention of all the Fish present. Well, the spectators. Enough Fish & Net allegory for the day. Activation — Done!

With everyone in the crowd now hip to the idea, photos and tweets began pouring in. It was a UGC fan fest on our live wall. There were many scouring for pockets of better net connectivity at the venue to upload their pictures, so that they could be featured on the wall.

The 2 hours of intermittent display of our live wall before and during the concert attracted 176 tweets and reached close to 300,000 people in the process. Not only that, but we were even trending in Bangalore through the night.

The catch was huge. We’d hit a jackpot. Sure, we’ve had hundreds of thousands of contributions from many large events that we’ve handled. But seeing the entire process — right from activation of the crowd to populating the live wall with their tweets the very next instant — was an education in many ways.

The Live Wall in action

It’s a lesson quite akin to that of building stickiness in your product. How addictive and self perpetuating your product can become, is a major shot in the arm. This, while applicable for a product, cannot be fully translated into this phenomenon we noticed — crowds reacting so quick to stimulus.

This is also a lesson in how we’re wired. Or at least some of us for sure. The fact that our engagement can be blown up into a larger than life piece of art on a huge screen behind our favourite rapper — is a gratification potent enough. Enough for us to follow a bunch of other people, who we’ve never met before, doing it — because it seems like they’re having a pretty good time.

This is a lesson in how strong UGC is at present and how easy it is to maneouvre it to the benefit of our events, brands or awareness generation among other things.




Smartest way to archive all your event photos, conversations, tweets, videos and much more from the entire web.