Moments That Matter: Robert Milost

3 min readJul 9, 2018


Pointreef Co-Founder Robert Milost (left), with fellow Co-Founder Marc Flören

At EventZebra, we meet so many new people each week and we are always interested in the moments and experiences that stay with them. At networking events, there is always the potential to find new ideas and those promising flickers of creativity — we want to share with you these moments that matter, and why events can be so meaningful for those who attend them.

Having met Robert, Co-Founder of the virtual reality startup Pointreef, he says that his most valuable experiences have been at technology conferences. Large venues filled with lots of ideas and hundreds of creative minds, events like this can be that precious spark of inspiration for any new startup.

The Moment

Robert’s most significant experience at a business event “was at the FMX 2015 in Stuttgart,” while he was working on his bachelor thesis. His first time at a technology conference, “it was full of different impressions, but it totally confirmed my ambitions to work in virtual reality and all of the great different possibilities it can offer.” It was a year later that he, “together with my Co-Founders had the idea to combine virtual reality and 3D-scan technology to found our own company.”

Meanwhile, during his time with Pointreef 3D, Robert says his “most valuable trade fair experience was at DMEXCO 2017,” his first time attending a large trade fair as an official exhibitor. Like any of life’s best experiences, “it was exciting and exhausting at the same time,” but Robert says this opportunity to network and present their startup was “above all extremely valuable for us as a company.”

Huge technology conferences can be daunting but, as Robert found for himself, they can be the all-important guideline toward your business dreams. Sharing ideas with other exhibitors and the visiting public, as well as discovering the possibilities of virtual reality, it was at that moment that Robert realised he was on the right path — and those steps are what led him to where he is today.

About Robert

Robert Milost, 26, is Co-Founder of Pointreef, “a 3D production company founded in 2017 that deals with three-dimensional digitization of objects and existing buildings.” What this means is that real-world environments are scanned and then rendered digitally as virtual models in “millimeter-accurate” levels of detail.

Scanning the Worringer Platz underground station in Düsseldorf, closed to the public since 1994

These digitally-rendered models can then be oriented however the customer wishes, as either 3D models to explore on a computer screen or as VR applications, allowing users to interact with the environment using a virtual reality headset. Pointreef can also be considered as something of a digital museum, as their scans allow them “to archive demolition-threatened buildings in 3D,” and allow virtual access to places that are otherwise inaccessible in the real world.

The Event

Robert attended the DMEXCO — Digital Marketing & Expo conference, which is this year taking place at Koelnmesse, Cologne, on September 12th and 13th. Over 1,100 exhibitors will be on display, in a wide range of fields and businesses from creative industry and digital media. With over 40,000 industry leaders in attendance, it is the perfect venue to discover where the future of marketing and communication technology is headed. Robert also attended the FMX conference, which takes place next year in Stuttgart, from April 30th to May 3rd. Fusing art, technology and business, the FMX conference is the best venue for bringing together beauty and technology.

If you want to see your favourite building rendered in 3D, or virtually navigate an environment you can’t access in the real world, you can contact Pointreef on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn.

Liam H-R, Social Media Manager




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