Another good reason for doing my 70k/12mo is that if you have a day where you can’t be bothered to do anything, it’s not gonna hinder you.
… but maybe I mentioned that yesterday?
At the same time, I’ve been doing some wordbuilding, which is the bit about writing I love the most.
Although the particular wordbuilding I’ve been doing today and yesterday is for a reasonably generic urban fantasy world, usually it’s more unique.
Actually, I may as well post a pic of one of the pages so far.
… yeah, my phone’s camera is pretty darn good.
Actually, I just remembered when I decided to try and do a daily webcomic-like thing a while back, I forgot about it and dropped it, but I still have the first half dozen days.
But not on my phone, so I think I’ll post them at the weekend.
Y’know, I may as well try and continue that, just, two per week rather than however many I was originally going to do weekly.
Anyway, as the final note; I doubt this is the last time I’ll title something here “Acedia”.