F’ing Tall Cacti

Everett Cook
3 min readApr 5, 2016


There are a couple sheets of paper with a rough idea of a daily plan floating around my car somewhere. They are not as detailed as they perhaps should be. The entry for April 4 and 5 reads, “Saguaro National Park. Big cacti.” Hooray for details that mean basically nothing, because there are big cacti everywhere. I just left a place with some big ones. Yawn.

Except the Saguaro Cactus is actually enormous. These are like, 40 feet tall, larger than telephone poles. The sheer size just doesn’t make sense.

The plants usually take 10 years to grow a single inch and 200 to reach their full, adult size. Think about the level of luck and evolutionary trust there has to be for that to actually happen. Ten years of growth at a pace of around a centimeter a year! These beats should not exist, yet, the park is full of green skyscrapers. Some of them have funky arms going up and down and to the side and some are baseball bats, complete with a knob at the base. They are everywhere, a venerable cactus forest that has been there longer than the city of Tucson. From the top of a 4,000 foot mountain today it looked as if I was descending into a huge pincushion.


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