Distinguishing EMV and PCI Compliance: Key Contrasts

3 min readJun 20, 2024

The concepts of EMV compliance and PCI compliance have emerged as important pillars of payment security, each playing unique but complementary roles in securing financial transactions. This concise guide delves into the nature of EMV and PCI compliance, highlighting their differences and importance, and explaining how organizations can achieve these standards with EverExpanse’s expert support. To do.

What is EMV Compliance?

EMV compliance ensures that payment cards and terminals adhere to specifications for chip card technology, which enhances security compared to magnetic stripe transactions. This technology reduces card fraud by encrypting transaction data uniquely for each transaction.

EMV focuses on securing chip-embedded payment cards physically, making it challenging for fraudsters to replicate cards used in transactions where the card is present. However, it does not cover online transactions. On the other hand, PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) outlines comprehensive security measures for businesses to safeguard cardholder data during processing, storage, or transmission. This standard provides broader protection across all payment channels, including online transactions.

EMV Compliance:

  • EMV compliance aims to enhance the security of chip-based payment cards, ensuring their interoperability globally.
  • It utilizes chip technology to authenticate the identity of cardholders and prevent fraudulent card cloning.
  • To achieve EMV compliance, both hardware and processors involved in processing these transactions must undergo certification by EMVCo.
  • EMVCo is a consortium formed by major payment networks including Europay, MasterCard, and Visa, responsible for managing and evolving the EMV specifications and standards.

What is PCI Compliance?

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) outlines a set of rigorous requirements aimed at ensuring the safe management of credit card information by businesses involved in its processing, storage, or transmission. In contrast to EMV, which focuses on securing physical transactions using chip-based technology, PCI DSS encompasses a wider scope of security practices. These include establishing strong security policies, deploying secure technologies, conducting frequent vulnerability assessments, and enforcing robust access controls. Compliance with PCI DSS is compulsory for all organizations handling credit card data, serving to safeguard against data breaches and fraudulent activities, thereby maintaining trust and security in financial transactions.

PCI Compliance:

  • PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) aims to protect cardholder data processed, stored, or transmitted by businesses.
  • It encompasses robust security measures such as maintaining secure networks, protecting stored data through encryption, and conducting regular security assessments.
  • Businesses assess their compliance with PCI DSS through self-assessment questionnaires that are customized based on their specific operations.
  • The standard is governed by the PCI Security Standards Council, which was established by major payment networks including Visa, Mastercard, and others.

EMV and PCI DSS standards complement each other by providing layered security against card fraud and data theft. While PCI compliance is mandatory for businesses handling credit cards, EMV compliance is strongly recommended but not legally required. Together, they bolster the safety of card transactions, though they cannot completely eliminate fraud risks.

EMV technology primarily addresses counterfeit card fraud in physical transactions without encrypting card data, necessitating PCI compliance to secure data across all transaction types.

Businesses can enhance security by integrating technologies like point-to-point encryption (P2PE) and tokenization alongside EMV upgrades, further reducing PCI scope and protecting data effectively.

EverExpanse facilitates the journey to achieving both EMV and PCI compliance, offering expert guidance and support throughout the certification process. We streamline EMV certification to upgrade payment systems for compatibility with chip-enabled cards, minimizing the risk of card-present fraud. Additionally, EverExpanse assists businesses in navigating PCI compliance requirements, from initial assessment to ongoing support, ensuring robust data security standards in payment processing systems.




EverExpanse provide card payment solutions to financial institutions, payment system providers, card issuers and acquirers across the globe.