Growing Jujube Trees and How to Use the Fruit

Everglades Farm
3 min readNov 15, 2022


With increasing awareness about the health in last few decades, many of the not-so-popular fruits are now being used on a vast scale. Jujube is one of them. The jujube oil and the fruit are exceptionally useful for hair and skin.

jujube tree for sale

You can also grow jujube trees in your garden. The trick to getting a jujube tree quickly is to buy the greatest one possible.

The jujube plant is offered for sale online on a number of different websites; just make sure to pick the best one. This fast read explains how to grow jujube trees and how to use the fruit. Keep it nearby and produce the best jujube in your garden.

This journey of gardening the jujube fruit tree starts from the selection of the type of jujube tree

● Li Jujube

A popular one and is sold worldwide and probably eaten fresh.

● Lang Jujube

Pear-shaped fruit to be eaten when dried.

● Honey Jar Jujube

Very sweet and excellent for eating fresh

● Shanxi Li Jujube

Very productive tree with a sweet apple taste to the fruit.

How Do You Grow These Jujube Trees?


It can be grown in all types of soil with varied pH ranges. The drainage of the soil has to be maintained.


A lot of sunlight and dry and hot regions are the best for growing the jujube tree.


Although the trees need watering when the soil gets dry but they can grow in dry soil too.


Don’t fertilize the plant when young but the plant can be provided with fruit fertilizer once it is established.

How To Use The Jujube Fruit?

Eat It Fresh

● These fresh jujubes can be eaten as a snack

● Can be used in salads too

● They can be used as a substitute for apples in several recipes

Eat It Dried

● Dried raisins are often replaced by dried jujubes and can be used in trail mix.

● You can make jujube tea and it is very popular in Chinese medicines. Jujube is rich in vitamin C and flavonoids.

Final Thought

The jujube tree is frequently cultivated in gardens for food purposes, but it can also be used to make oils, teas, and medications. The jujube fruit is rich in vitamins and has a lot of nutritional value. You can purchase one of these jujube fruit trees from internet retailers. Additionally, look for a Malay apple tree for sale that has the same flavor as jujube fruit.

malay apple tree for sale

Disclaimer- The information provided in this content is just for educational purposes and is written by a professional writer. Consult us to know more about the tips on growing jujube trees.



Everglades Farm

Everglades Farm is a family-operated tree nursery in Homestead, Florida. Our growers have more than 50 years of combined experience growing tropical fruit trees