Ultimate Web Starter 2023: Part I

Evergreen Terrance
4 min readFeb 12, 2023


As a seasoned web developer with thousands of hours of experience building web applications, I have had the opportunity to work with a wide range of technologies and tools. Through trial and error, I have found the perfect stack for building fast, efficient, and scalable web apps. In this article, I’ll share my preferred stack for a universal starter, perfect for developers looking for a quick and easy way to get started building web applications and iterate fast and smooth.

Here is a brief overview of each technology in the stack, along with links and short descriptions:

  1. Next.js is a popular React-based framework that was released in 2016. It is designed to make server-side rendering (SSR) easy and fast, while also providing automatic code splitting and optimised caching to improve performance. One of its main benefits is the ability to build fast, performant web applications with a minimum of setup and configuration.
  2. TypeScript is a statically-typed superset of JavaScript that was first released in 2012. It was developed by Microsoft to improve the development experience for large-scale web applications. The main benefits of using TypeScript include improved developer productivity, enhanced type checking, and the ability to catch errors before runtime.
  3. Material UI is a React-based UI library that implements Google’s Material Design guidelines. It was first released in 2014 and has since become one of the most popular UI libraries for React, thanks to its clean and modern design, ease of use, and comprehensive feature set. The benefits of using Material UI include a consistent visual style, faster development times, and improved user experience.
  4. Apollo Client & Server is a complete platform for managing and integrating GraphQL APIs into your web applications. GraphQL is a flexible and efficient query language for APIs that was developed by Facebook in 2012. The benefits of using Apollo include improved performance, reduced network overhead, and the ability to request exactly the data you need.
  5. Server: Edge Functions of Next.js: Edge functions are a way to run server-side logic for your Next.js application in a highly scalable and performant manner. They are executed on the edge of the network, close to the user, resulting in faster and more reliable performance. The benefits of using edge functions include lower latency, reduced server costs, and improved scalability.
  6. MongoDB: MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database that stores data as documents instead of tables. It was first released in 2009 and has since become one of the most widely used databases in the world. The benefits of using MongoDB include flexible data models, scalability, and strong community support.
  7. NextAUTH: NextAUTH is a complete authentication solution for Next.js that supports both MongoDB and social providers. It is designed to be easy to set up and use, while also providing a high level of security and flexibility. The benefits of using NextAUTH include improved user experience, reduced development time, and increased security.
  8. Vercel is a platform for building and hosting web applications. It was launched in 2015 as Zeit, and rebranded as Vercel in 2020. It simplifies deployment, provides fast and reliable performance, and offers security features to protect your applications and data.

The Vercel platform provides a number of benefits when used with Next.js, including:

  1. Easy Deployment: Vercel makes it easy to deploy and host your Next.js applications, with a simple Git-based workflow that requires no configuration. You can deploy your code to the platform with a single command, and your application will be automatically built and deployed to a globally distributed edge network.
  2. Performance: Vercel’s edge network is designed to provide fast and reliable performance, with automatic optimization for static and dynamic content. This ensures that your Next.js applications will load quickly and provide a seamless user experience.
  3. Scalability: Vercel is designed to handle high levels of traffic, with automatic scaling and load balancing to ensure that your application remains fast and responsive, even during periods of high demand.
  4. Security: Vercel provides a number of security features, including automatic SSL encryption and DDoS protection, to ensure that your applications and data are secure.
  5. Support: Vercel provides extensive documentation and support for Next.js, making it easy to get started and find help when you need it. Additionally, the Vercel community is active and helpful, providing a wealth of knowledge and resources to help you build better applications.

Overall, Vercel provides a complete platform for building and deploying fast, scalable, and secure Next.js applications, making it an excellent choice for web developers looking for an easy and effective solution.

These technologies provide a number of benefits for web developers, including fast and easy development, easy deployment and hosting, scalability, performance, and security. With Next.js, developers can build fast and efficient web applications that are easy to set up and iterate. TypeScript adds type checking to JavaScript, making it easier to write robust and maintainable code. Material UI provides a comprehensive set of UI components that are easy to use and customize. Apollo Client and Server form a powerful data layer for web applications, providing real-time data access and management. Vercel’s edge functions make it easy to deploy and host Next.js applications, with fast and reliable performance, automatic scaling, and security features. MongoDB is a flexible and scalable NoSQL database that is well-suited to web applications. Finally, NextAUTH provides a convenient way to handle authentication with a variety of providers, including social logins. In conclusion, this ultimate stack offers fast, easy, and scalable web app development, making it a great choice for developers in 2023.

In Part II there will be instructions how to run it.



Evergreen Terrance

Developer, web and crypto enthusiast since 2010