Weekly Progress Report: April, 22nd — 28th

7 min readApr 30, 2019


Strategic cooperation

On April 22nd, everiToken officially signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Japanese company BluePrint. BluePrint is a game production company with a wealth of development experience in card games and has successfully produced multi-million user games. everiToken outstanding performance in handling NFT provides high performance (10000+TPS), high standardization, high security, and low-cost solutions. The two sides will jointly develop blockchain games and open up new game markets so that blockchain games are not limited to gambling only.

On April 23, everiToken and Douni Wan Tech sign a strategic cooperation agreement, and both parties will jointly explore the application of “blockchain+games”. Douni Wan specializes in the R&D and distribution of stand-alone mobile games with rich development experience in games. In this cooperation, the two sides will explore the aspects of game cards and props on everiToken, jointly creating a smooth and transparent new gameplay.

On April 28th, everiToken and GRC officially signed a strategic cooperation agreement, and the other party will build a media-based overseas real estate sales platform based on everiToken. On the advantages of media and social, GRC joins the blockchain token incentive mechanism to achieve a variety of operational games and finally builds a 3.0 era of the global sales platform. In this cooperation, everiToken will provide another party with high-performance, low-cost modular function solutions to help them create a new platform.

Community Dynamic

On April 26th, everiToken overseas community partners held a Meetup in Amsterdam. Industry insiders, developers, start-up entrepreneurs, and investors participated in the meeting with a warm response for forcedly postponing the one-and-a-half-hour meeting to three hours. everiToken CEO Brady online shared the latest developments and future plans of the everiToken project in Japan. It was warmly welcomed by the participants and sent 1000EVT to our champion in the Q&A session.

On April 27th, everiToken and Waterdrip Capital successfully held MeetUp on Qingdao as one of the stations of China Tour. The conference centered on “How to use the blockchain to empower industry”, and gathered a number of government personnel, investment institutions, and personal investors. everiToken COO Bozhen Chen introduced how everiToken empowered the real economy. Considering the real needs of the real economy. everiToken provides high security, high standards, high performance and low cost to third parties through the underlying innovations., which can really reduce the cost of its development and user education.


On April 25th, everiToken CEO Brady arrived in Taiwan to communicate with the famous bitcoin investor Roger on blockchain payment. Roger is a true BCH believer, patiently explaining how to use BCH wallets for many guests. Brady showed fast payment technology based on everiToken, and mentioned that BTC and BCH solved the big money transfer problem, and everiToken proposed a solution for face-to-face payment.

On April 25th, DLT held a STO&DLT101 event in Taiwan, and many industry experts discussed the STO on smart contracts. Among them, everiToken CEO Brady said: “With regard to STO, the project party has more hopes to ensure the security and circulation efficiency of the issuance of the token, and the smart contract can no longer meet the demand. everiToken has realized the modular function through the safe contract, allowing anyone to use the everiToken platform in a standardized and secure manner, so safe contracts are the best choice for STO.”

On April 26th, everiToken CPO Ceeji Cheng popularized the application of blockchain technology in financial payment for the relevant government departments, finance, securities, and banks from Shandong Province in Qingdao. Citing everiToken technology and concrete use cases, Ceeji Cheng explained in detail the development trend of global financial technology, national policies and specific related applications.

On April 26th, everiToken CEO Brady arrived in Japan to have in-depth communication with the president of Cointelegraph Headquarters. Brady popularized the everiToken project, demonstrated the micropayment solution based on everiToken, and also consulted the Japanese cryptocurrency policy. From the perspective of cryptocurrency related policies, the other party expressed optimism about the everiToken payment technology, hoping to help everiToken develop in Japan.

On April 26th, everiToken CEO Brady was invited to participate in the “The Meetup of Lisk ecosystem in Japan” and served as a guest speaker to share everiToken project. Brady said that it is often criticized about adopting blockchain. The quantity and scale of application are the value of the public chain. everiToken aims to be infrastructure since its inception and has achieved high standards, high security, high performance (10000+TPS) and low cost solutions, working with more than 300 projects.

Business Development

On April 22nd, everiToken core team visited the DUSD to discuss in depth the cooperation on blockchain payment solutions. everiToken CEO Brady uses the everiToken blockchain payment solution as an entry point and revolves around everiToken underlying technology innovation and high-performance principles, explaining the application of stable coin and micropayment in real-world scenarios. The other party is more optimistic about the application of the stable coin payment and will carry an experiment on specific product form and actual scene use.

On April 22nd, everiToken CEO Brady met with Oath Overseas Operations Manager Micjle to communicate in detail on specific business cooperation. Micjle has a very deep understanding of overseas markets and also has a large number of overseas business resources. Brady mentioned that the global ecology of everiToken is constantly growing and emerging markets are crucial to everiToken,hoping that the other party can help everiToken enter into more markets and enrich its global ecology.

On April 23, the head of the Xingzao Capital visited the everiToken office and negotiated various cooperation with everiToken. everiToken CEO Brady introduced the current everiToken-related products, including payment solutions, everiCard, blockchain chips, blockchain smart door locks, etc., as well as current applications in real-world scenarios around the world. The other party praised the hard power of everiToken technology and continued to communicate on profit, product planning, project incubation and other aspects.

On April 24th, the head of the goodpago project met with Hugo Li, the everiToken market director, to learn about the latest developments of the project at this stage. Hugo Li explained the everiCard, the latest development of everiToken, which can store any encrypted assets and allow users to consume without thresholds. The other party has a certain share in the Southeast Asian payment market and hopes to combine the everiCard blockchain card with its encrypted asset wallet (also based on the everiToken) to allow more users to use and continue to expand the payment market.

On April 24th, the head of the Ningbo B&B team arrived in Shanghai to conduct business negotiations with the everiToken core team and eco-partner Lucis. Lucis introduced the research and development results of the hotel, including smart door locks, Sass cloud platform, etc., and everiToken explained blockchain smart door lock, data security, real-time uplink, and profit sharing. The other party is very optimistic about the combination of blockchain, smart door lock and homestay, hoping to reach cooperation and launch the application as soon as possible.

Basic Chain

A. Latest Update

EVT 3.3.4 contains several improvements in performance and stability. Main changes compared to EVT 3.2X

— Support FT v2

— Support group address(multi-sign address)

— Fix minor bugs

B. Code Optimized

— Optimize the previous code.

C. Code fixed

— Fixed other bugs.

Other Development

Java SDK (evt4j)

— Added support for getting raw transaction before being pushed to chain

— Added more unit tests

— Bugfixes

EveriSigner (Browser extension)

— Continue polishing UI/UX

— Added more unit tests on key logic components

— Bugfixes




World’s first token-customized public chain for the token economy and for everyone