Weekly Progress Report: May, 13th — 19th

6 min readMay 20, 2019


Big News

BN Capital

Since BN Capital strategically invested in everiToken in November 2018, they recently announced the additional investments in everiToken. everiToken is invested and incubated by such capitals as Fenbushi Capital, Yuandao Fund, Yangtze Delta Region Institute of TsingHua University. Zhejiang, Nova Ecofund and James Gong.

everiToken creatively develops a token-based transaction model that naturally supports parallel transactions with 10000+TPS and prohibits security attacks with accurately tracing the trajectory of the token circulation. Modular safe contract replacing smart contracts can greatly improve code security and development speed, shortening development cycle to 7 days. The world first payment protocol everiPay allows 3 second transaction confirmations for all Dapp on everiToken. At present, everiToken has been widely implemented in the many fields such as cross-border payment, credibility points, and public welfare.


everiToken has signed a Strategic Cooperation Agreement with Konstellation, a fintech company focused on development and implementation of blockchain technology for the global financial services industry.

The Third Generation of Transaction Models: Token-Based Published in IEEE Journal

Recently, an academic paper written about the token-based transaction model proposed by the everiToken public chain team was officially published in the IEEE Access electronic journal (SCI ii source journal with 3.557 impact factor).

The token-based model is the world’s third generation blockchain transaction model, following BTC‘s UTXO and ETH’s account-based system. everiToken’s new model naturally processes transactions in a parallel manner and efficiently resists the 51% attack. With this unique infrastructure, the system achieves lightning fast speeds of 10,000+ transactions per second, while at the same time providing a high degree of security, regulatory conformity, and the numerous benefits of blockchain technology.

“After receiving official recognition from SCI, , everiToken will continue to expand its business partners and users,serving as a leader in the implementation and adoption of transaction-based blockchain technology.”

9 language versions of whitepaper

Other than 9 language versions of whitepaper, 6 languages of technical guide, translated by community members, are updated to everiToken homepage: English, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese and Chinese


On May 13th, everiToken public chain was invited to participate in Asia Pacific Week- Berlin. CEO Brady appeared at the conference to share the impact of Fintech on finance. Brady started with the everiToken project and explained the underlying innovations of everiToken and the whole blockchain payment solution; mentioning that many countries in the world do not have ID cards, and it is even less likely to enjoy banking services, and Stablecoin + blockchain payment can make these People directly enter the era of electronic payment.

On May 13th, everiToken attended the New York Consensus Event. Community partners attended the meeting and discussed the blockchain industry and blockchain technology for large-scale applications. The community partners take the example of everiToken technical innovations, mentioning the difficulty of applying now lies in the technical threshold and poor user experience.

On May 15th, everiToken CPO Ceeji Cheng was invited to participate in Mars Finance online activity. The editor of Mars and Ceeji Cheng discussed the topics of the everiToken public chain, innovative safe contracts, Token-based transcation model, everiPay, and the token economy. The number of online user is over one thousand, and online browsing is over 100,000.

On May 15th, “How blockchain will transform the financial industry”has been held successfully by everiToken, Darc Matter and Bitcurate. CEO Brady started with the everiToken project, core innovations and applications in financial technology, introducing the key to the large-scale application of the blockchain with high security, low development cost and low user education costs. everiToken, with its innovations such as safe contracts, fully realizes the conditions required for large-scale applications.

On May 16th, everiToken Global Community Partner MIK introduced the everiToken project and the application of everiPay in real life to many blockchain enthusiasts in New York. Mik spoke from the underlying innovation of everiToken, mentioning everiPay, the world’s first token verification and payment protocol, explained the application of everiPay in Malaysia. Millions of users can enjoy Inclusive Finance and merchants can use any hardware device to scan the wallet for deduction within few seconds.

On May 17th, everiToken CEO Brady attended the “2019 Global Blockchain Forum” and gave a speech on “The Blockchain Technology Provider for Millions of Ordinary People”. Brady mentioned that the difficulty of adopting blockchain is a pseudo-proposition because the blockchain is useful, and has its own scenarios. Current infrastructure is weak, the user experience is too bad, and the entrance threshold for ordinary people is too high. Excellent blockchain projects should minimize the threshold for commercial-side developer and end-user use, and ultimately achieve today’s Internet-level user experience.

On May 18th, everiToken market director Huho Li participated in the China Blockchain Game Innovation Forum in Hangzhou, and discussed the application of the blockchain in games at the round table. Huho Li mentioned that everiToken has already cooperated with several game production companies, highlighting the excellent performance of everiToken in handling games.

On May 18th, everiToken Business Partner Fon visited the Encrypted Digital Heritage Token Project in Shenzhen to introduce the everiToken project and its advantages in dealing with transaction performance. The other party has not found a suitable public chain since its establishment in 2016, and the project process has been delayed. After in-depth communication, the other party believes that the high performance of everiToken will solve its project problems.


Brady will be one of the speakers at Let’s Talk Blockchain on Decentralized Finance on May, 20th in Shanghai! Follow the QR code in the attached image to get your tickets!

Basic Chain

EVT 3.4.0 Release

Congratulations on EVT listing on exchanges!

Major changes compared to EVT 3.3.x

Improvements on execution context. Improvements on snapshot and postgres. Other improvements and bug fixes. For the full list of features included in this release, please check our official website.

Other Development

Java SDK

— Fix a bug where maxCharge overflows


— Improve account create and account import workflow by visualising in steps

— Add support for importing account with mnemonic words

— Add balance overview in account view

— Add payeeCode in account detail view

— Add network list and able to create new custom network

— Add support for account private key export

— Able to set default account for wallet

— Introduce new setting page

EVTJS 5.4.6

— Private key to public key performance is increased by 1000%. in the condition of high concurrency.

— Add privateKeyFromBufferHex, privateKeyToBufferHex, publicKeyFromCompressedBuferHex methods to reduce the intermediate process and directly process the public and private key raw data.

— Increase the memory FIFO cache to reduce unnecessary repeated counting.

— In the NodeJS environment, the private key generation uses the crypto library, discarding the pure library script’s bi library operations.

— Cache ‘getInfo’ call, which will only get once in 5 seconds, avoids unnecessary server stress and transaction latency caused by infringement of the call ‘getInfo’.




World’s first token-customized public chain for the token economy and for everyone