That Gavin Long Facebook Profile is Fake

Joseph Everly
2 min readJul 17, 2016


I couldn’t help but search for Gavin Long on Facebook after his name was released as the suspect in today’s shooting in Baton Rouge.

This profile came to the top of the list. It’s fake.

There are two posts on the account, both added today, within the last 30 minutes.

EDIT: More posts were added to the account after I wrote this, which really just proves the point that it’s a fake, since he was dead by then. Anyway, that’s why I didn’t comment on them; they didn’t exist when I originally published.

One is a profile picture, which the person dated March 1st (FB’s timeline allows one to retroactively add items, with their choice of date). However, the actual date/time that the item was added is also tracked and publicly viewable by hovering over the clock icon.

The second is a link to an Alton Sterling story, with the comment “cops hunt us on the daily smh. evil scum”.

As you can see in the screenshots below, both items were added today. This is clearly a fake profile. The job at Newsball, Inc. may be an indication of who’s responsible.

To make matters even more ridiculous, it was brought to my attention that the image used for the profile picture is one of the first images that appears on google for the term ‘black guy’. I checked and this appears to be true (screenshot below).

