Full of dilemmas, post-modern society can be compared to a black mirror vision. Photo: Netflix

Putting a mirror on the contributions of data technology to a post-modern society

Perspectives of the interference of the internet in the present century

Everson Moura
5 min readDec 21, 2022


The web is a strong and helpful resource to connect couples, ideas, acknowledgment, and even relatives that are far away from each other or only rooms away. In order to attend to those interaction necessities, the internet reveals itself as an important tool to make data information to be spread, but she brings conflicts to the social interactions of the 24/7-online youth. Discussing these ideas induces the profile of a society that is enchanted by the reflex of a mysterious “Black Mirror”.

Technology has brought transformation to the educational process. The outrageous dominance of electronics, websites, digital services, and similar are herewith the everyday activities the current humanity performs, and it also has interfered with the education working system. It should be noted that the meeting between technology and pedagogy carries faster velocity, more interaction, and autonomy for the development of the student’s response; however, it also exposes struggles from those who aren’t updated with this tech teaching style.

Children are able to count on classmates to share and discuss new subjects based on online pages. Photo: Congress.me

With this in mind, we can easily notice that transformation is happening in the new studying way of teens. Now they have online didactics and literature books that are accessed by tablets; devices like this are responsible for allowing the younger students to search for extra
material (videos, news, 3d files) while the teacher is explaining a recent subject, and in theory, should promote adding and not daydreamings. Indeed, the “live” concept is effectively embraced by teachers. Furthermore, there are several online masters who freely give online classes on Youtube or schools that use online apps for students to answer quizzes, such as “Kahoot”, “Plickers” and “Socrative” meanwhile the class is performed. Briefly, technology has helped — a lot — the updating of pedagogy and offered more curious and interactive platforms. It helps the goal to captivate fascination and turn unattractive subjects into interesting ones, such as new versions of “Huckleberry Finn”, “The Scarlet Letter” or
“Bobbit”. The young guys and girls “nail it”.

At this time, it is necessary to pay attention to the hard times some people — the elderly ones, mostly — might cope with the technological changes in education. Around 30 million Brazilians are not connected to the internet, says Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatistica (IBGE); this context reveals a scenario where some people have problems subscribing to national exams such as public exams or Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio
(ENEM). Besides older people are willing to get back for a fresh start in a university course, sometimes they are embarrassed by the ungainly way to produce academic papers, and keep up with online activities, for example. The majority of the professors ask for online articles, slide presentations, and other content that make the student use tech devices, although the elderly students may feel uncomfortable trying to be a part of this environment, and somehow be affected to demonstrate lower confidence and scores.

Altogether, technology for sure introduced to education a whole new method that is filled with such an amount of simplicity just as advanced aspects. Consequently, all of these contributions, in order to have an inclusive and greater performance, need a close watch out to have a boosting achievement of learning for those who will have contact with a technological education system as seen in a society full of paradigms as the Brazilian one. It should be noted that, especially for those who cannot afford brand-new electronics or struggles to use them, balance is required from the institutions that manage teachings. Without a doubt, technology is a plus to education, but it must be accompanied by caring systematic and healthier approaches.

During older — and slower — times, it was enough to wait for the mailman to bring News, but civilization has fortunately noticed that social networks perform a greater sharing of information. If one is online on Facebook, for example, he or she can face arguments about the cities’ problems and give opinions to make urban spots better places; it is also possible to
criticize the change of anyone’s haircut and share gossip with followers; it can be uploaded tutorial cooking videos that permit a supporting network and much more.

Facebook, Youtube, and Instagram were the most popular social media in 2018; the user's scale is beyond two billion for each of them. Source: TheNextWeb

With this in mind, the internet becomes a tool of citizenship, comments, and the so-called influencer job — all in the same Internet Protocol (IP) address. Certainly, the online service of social media has not only changed the way society is informed but also transformed the behavior of social individuals: proof of this is the audience number that companies achieve
and release in web communities like Instagram with 2 billion users; Youtube, 2.5 billion users; Tinder, 100 million users. The statistics were declared by each company’s institutional press service.

With the current scenario, it’s possible to affirm that social media has a major and solid impact on several ages — from kids, teens, and young adults to the elderly. Commonly, the feeds include: posting “celebrations” birthday messages without real caring wishes or hugs, even though it works as an excellent way to keep special dates in mind — it becomes a marker
of less demonstration of affection; getting along with so many friends as well as a lot of community web pages, but dealing with daily-breathtaking loneliness and emptiness of joy — it shows the living desolation perspective, which is accompanied by few warming interactions; or put on an online showcase profile that appears to have success in business, inducing people
to believe in a fake lifestyle — it portrays the tremendous credibility one can expose however it actually is a fraud with invaluable work.

There are several ways to be connected to friends, companies, and family amplified by the post-modern internet. Photo: The Channel Co

It should be highlighted that those kinds of social participation are related to the transformations of behavior and psychological Thrillers the twenty-first century has presented to humanity, making data information points problematic to the tranquility status of this web era as known as the post-modern period. Up to a point, disturbances are not secluded to a
“Black Mirror” vision of tv shows, however, they probably are in action producing Butterfly Effects that efforts pragmatic investments on the (re)configuration of pedagogy, interaction, and knowledge. It influences the maintenance of a careful path, where virtual production
altogether works as a bridge to stronger connections.

