Everton Gomede, PhD
3 min readFeb 2, 2024


The Swin Transformer is a type of transformer model adapted for vision tasks, including image classification, that has been gaining popularity due to its efficiency and performance. Unlike traditional transformer models which are applied directly to sequences of text, the Swin Transformer applies the transformer architecture to images by first dividing the image into patches and then processing these patches through a series of transformer blocks.

The "Swin" in Swin Transformer stands for "Shifted window", which is a key innovation of this architecture. It divides the image into windows and applies self-attention within these windows, which significantly reduces the computational complexity compared to applying self-attention across the entire image. Furthermore, it shifts these windows in subsequent layers, allowing for cross-window connections and enabling the model to capture global context more effectively.

Here is a high-level overview of how you can implement a Swin Transformer for image classification using TensorFlow:

Image to Patches:

First, the image is divided into fixed-size patches (e.g., 4x4 pixels). These patches are treated as the equivalent of words in a sentence for a text transformer model. Each patch is then flattened and projected into an embedding space using a learnable linear projection. This process converts the image into a sequence of embeddings, each corresponding to a patch.

Patch Embeddings to Swin Transformer Blocks:

These patch embeddings are then passed through a series of Swin Transformer blocks. Each block consists of:

Layer Normalization:

Applied before other operations for stabilizing the training. Shifted Window-Based Multi-Head Self-Attention (SW-MSA): The core of the Swin Transformer, which applies self-attention within local windows. These windows are shifted in alternating blocks to enable cross-window communication.

MLP (Multi-Layer Perceptron): After the SW-MSA, the output goes through two linear layers with a GELU activation in between, similar to traditional transformers.

Hierarchical Feature Representation:

Swin Transformers create a hierarchical representation by gradually merging patches and increasing the embedding dimension. This allows the model to capture features at various scales, which is beneficial for tasks like image classification where both local and global features are important.

Classification Head:

After the final Swin Transformer block, a global average pooling is applied to the output feature map to create a single vector representation of the input image. This vector is then passed through a fully connected layer (or layers) to produce the final classification output.

Training and Inference:

During training, you would use a loss function suitable for classification (e.g., cross-entropy loss) and backpropagate the errors to update the model's weights. For inference, you feed the image through the model to get the predicted class labels.

Implementing a Swin Transformer from scratch in TensorFlow is quite involved due to the complexity of its architecture. However, TensorFlow and libraries built on top of it, such as TensorFlow Model Garden or Hugging Face Transformers, might offer implementations or pre-trained models that you can use directly or fine-tune for your specific image classification tasks.

To use a Swin Transformer in TensorFlow, you would typically follow these steps:

Import the necessary TensorFlow libraries and any library that provides a Swin Transformer implementation.

Load your dataset and preprocess it into the appropriate format (patches, normalization, etc.).

Initialize the Swin Transformer model, possibly loading pre-trained weights.

Compile the model, specifying the optimizer, loss function, and metrics.

Train the model on your dataset.

Evaluate the model on a validation or test dataset.

This explanation provides a conceptual overview. For actual code and more detailed implementation, it's best to refer to specific TensorFlow documentation or resources where implementations of Swin Transformer are provided.



Everton Gomede, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow Computer Scientist at the University of British Columbia creating innovative algorithms to distill complex data into actionable insights.