Unraveling the Philosophical Tapestry: Existentialism vs. Absurdism

3 min readDec 13, 2023
Existentialism vs. Absurdism

In the labyrinth of philosophical thought, existentialism and absurdism emerge as two captivating yet often conflated movements. While they share common ground in dealing with life’s fundamental mysteries, these philosophies diverge in their core tenets and responses to the human condition. This blog post aims to dissect these philosophies, not only highlighting their unique viewpoints and implications for understanding our existence but also clarifying the common misconceptions that lead to their confusion. By untangling the nuanced differences between existentialism and absurdism, we can gain a clearer understanding of their distinct philosophical paths.

1. Existentialism: The Search for Meaning

Existentialism, a philosophical movement that gained prominence in the 20th century, centers around the belief that life is inherently meaningless, and it is up to the individual to imbue it with purpose. Key existentialist thinkers like Jean-Paul Sartre and Friedrich Nietzsche argued that traditional values and structures (like religion and societal norms) are insufficient in providing life’s meaning.

Key Tenets:

  • Individual Freedom: Existentialism emphasizes personal freedom and responsibility. It suggests that individuals have the power to define their…




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