Record Employee Punctuality with Employee Attendance Software

Every Last Template
5 min readApr 5, 2019


People don’t often realise that punctuality is one of the most important habits to be developed to generate profits. The viability of the organisation is crucial and depends on a lot on the time the employees invest in the company. If the individuals working in the company tend to take leave at times and are not interested in being on time then there is not much to expect from the profits of the company. The employer must be able to assort proper methods to ensure that the employees are on time.

By methods, keeping records of attendance is not the only job that will ensure proper working of the organisation in terms of the employees working properly with reference to time. The employer or the manager should come up with better steps that would make sure that the leave taken by the employee is not just one taken for fun but for genuine reasons. Here, we will take a look at the necessary steps that can be taken by an employer that can ensure proper management of the leaves taken by employees. We will first check out the initial step — the employee attendance record, that should be maintained daily.

Usually the employee attendance record is maintained by a personal section in the company. But it can also be done by making use of programs and thereby have a simpler technique in maintaining the records of the employees in the company. The company should not run in loss just because of an employee who does not show up when he is required. Steps should be taken to handle such situations. These little things might not seem to matter a lot at first but if not dealt with can incur huge losses to the company.

The attendance was usually maintained by recording the daily presence of the employers in the attendance register. This register is maintained daily and everyone who is working in the company have to sign in while they come and leave to check the in-time and the out-time of the employees daily. This process seemed to work as long as the authority who maintain the attendance is strict in their work and did not have any soft corner to the employees. But this system fails many times as the register is maintained by humans and sometimes the people who maintain this attendance can be bribed for and the entry can be put for any employee for many days together (including the days when they did not make it to work).

The mentioned problem was not the only reason why the physical attendance register is not feasible. Time and easiness of maintaining the attendance records of the employees were also the reasons why the physical attendance register was shifted to the computer based excel sheet employee attendance record.

The attendance records of the employees should be monitored properly by the human resources in the company. But you can now make use of software packages and make your job simpler. If you don’t want to use software then you can take a look at monthly attendance sheet for employee in excel or pdf as per your convenience.

The monthly attendance sheet for employee in excel sheet or pdf is an easier way of maintaining attendance record of the employees when compared to the age-old way of maintaining it in a register. You can edit the excel sheet in case of any mistake in the records of any of the employees. If you want to check out the attendance records of any employee for a given period of time, you can check it out any time by just going for the find option that is provided in excel sheets. This is much better than the physical labour that takes much time to organise stuff and search for the register that have the attendance records of the particular employee you are searching for and then you have to check for the dates and run through the records for that particular period of time.

When it comes to the software method, any person can handle this software package and keep track of the employee attendance. You don’t have to be an expert in software to do it. The software can be used to check on any workers and see their present status, if they are present or not. The attendance sheet of the workers can also be printed out in case you need a hardcopy. This is a much simpler tool to check out attendance than maintaining human resources. The human resources can make mistakes but the software package will not. You just need to check out the system to check out the attendance of the employees to check out the ones who are not getting in on time or the ones who keep taking leaves. The employers and managers can look out for any employee’s records at any time and decide on whether to have him in the organisation anymore or just to give him a warning depending on the number of days he has missed and the losses that have been incurred because of that.

Another method implemented with the advancement in technology is the bionic system of attendance. By bionic systems are now implemented in many companies. Here, the employees who enter the office have to make their entry by placing their thumb on the scanner and also when they leave. The system is connected to software that is used to maintain the attendance record of the employees. By this system, the in-time and out-time are automatically registered in the computer.

The advantage of the bionic system of maintaining attendance record is that here everything is done by the computer. There is no human interference to maintain the software attendance records also, so there cannot be any manipulation in the data collected.

Now, maintaining the software will not solve the problems. Any company would require all their employees to turn up to work on time every day. But the companies must also consider that everyone will not be able to make it to work every time. There will be times when people can’t make it but that should be for valid reasons. Every worker’s input is crucial in the development of the company and sometimes, missing the contribution of one might be the reason for huge losses. The company also provide sick leaves that can be taken by the employee and adjustments must be made that his work for the day will be made up by someone. By this way, the companies provide the employees the leaves that they have to take and also maintain the smooth functioning of the management even in their absence. So, there would not be any losses incurred by the company due to the absence of the employees on some days.

So, you can always make use of the software package and check out the attendance status of the employees and check out how many of them are regular in work.

Originally published at



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