Zeche Zollverein / Essen / Germany

EveryLittleThing Berlin
3 min readMar 2, 2019


Wiki: Zeche Zollverein

中: 關稅同盟煤礦工業建築群 / EN: Zollverein Coal Mine Industrial Complex


關稅同盟煤礦工業建築群, 又稱礦業同盟工業文化園區 (Zeche Zollverein)位於德國魯爾區( Ruhr)西部的埃森市(Essen),曾是歐洲最大的採礦區,德國的工業命脈,從1993年廢棄後搖身一變成為藝術文化特區,2001年更為聯合國教科文組織指定世界遺產,備受建築界矚目。

The Zollverein Coal Mine Industrial Complex (German: Zeche Zollverein) is a large former industrial site in Essen, West Ruhr area, Germany. It has been transformed into an arts and cultural special zone since it was abandoned in 1993 and has been inscribed into the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites since 2001. This complex was once the industrial vitals in Germany and is now one of the anchor points of European industrial heritage.


在電影 Pina 中, 有多幕均在 Zeche Zollverein拍攝。Zeche Zollverein可分成A、B、C三區。

Most of the scenes in Movie “PINA” is set in Zeche Zollverein. Zeche Zollverein divides into A, B and C zone.

A區的整建是最完整的,在此區中,有著名的 Schachthalle 鐵塔、紅點設計博物館,魯爾博物館。

Zone A is where Schachtalle, Red Dot Design Museum and Ruhr Museum located in.


Zone B is a district like an abandoned factory and is connected with A on 2nd Floor.

而C區有那種兩三層樓高但看起來像機械一樣的建築、林立的鋼架、排列整齊的煙囪,1993年以前是不準進入之地, 現在每年冬天都變身作溜冰場。

Zone C looks like a mechanical system with steel frames and neatly arranged chimneys. The coking plant is located in Zone C which had been a “no-go-area” until mid 1993. Today, the artificial channel is opened for ice skating in the winter.


1996年,英國建築大師 Lord Norman Foster of Thames Bank 將此地的燃燒爐改為 Red Dot Design Museum,Red Dot是工業設計的世界級重要獎項,共分有 Product design,Communication design,Concept design三大類別,每年由德國設計協會 Design Zentrum Nordrhein Westfalen 舉辦。

In 1996, Lord Norman Foster of Thames Bank Former convert the boiler house of shaft 12 to the Red Dot Design Museum and it maintains the typical Bauhaus style. The Red Dot Design Award is an international product design prize awarded by the Design Zentrum Nordrhein Westfalen in Essen, Germany. There are prize categories for product design, design agencies, and design concepts.


2002年, 更透過國際競賽找來荷蘭建築師庫哈斯(Rem Koolhaas)為魯爾博物館(Ruhr Museum)設計了60米長的鮮橙色扶手電梯,將訪客由入口直接引領至24公尺的高空中,反轉了尋常博物館由下而上的入場方式,鮮艷奪目的顏色也為「魯爾」的形象注入新形象。魯爾博物館改建自昔日的洗煤場房, 電梯通道就好比昔日的煤礦輸送帶,透過它,舊日的運送過程轉化為訪客的觀賞路線,也轉化為對煤礦工業流程的致意。

In 2002, Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas designed a 60-meter long sharp orange escalator at the entrance of Ruhr Museum to send visitors directly to a height of 24 meters “glass gangway”. Visitors can reach the foyer high above the roofs of Zollverein, with a bird’s-eye view of the colliery. Given the Ruhr Museum is converted from the Coal Washing Plant, the escalator acts like the old conveyor belt and brings the old industrial process as the visitor’s route nowadays.


2006年, 日本前衛建築師妹島和世(SANAA — Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa)也在該區設計了礦業同盟設計管理學院(Zollverein School of Management and Design)。妹島和世被認為是繼安藤忠雄之後,最受歐洲重視的日本建築師。

SANAA (Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa) is a famous architectural firm in Japan and were awarded the Pritzker Prize, architecture’s highest honor in 2010. In 2006, they finished the project of Zollverein School of Management and Design in Zeche Zollverein.

旅遊資訊 Travel information:

在Essen-Hbf 轉107號電車到 Zollverein,大概行車時間大概是15分鐘。下車,就是 Zeche Zollverein 的大門,在這裡就可以看到 Zeche Zollverein 著名的標誌,也就是人稱德國艾菲爾鐵塔的 Schachthalle 。A區博物館內有免費的寄物櫃。

Take S-Bahn 107 S-Bahn from Essen-Hbf to Zollverein, the travel time is around 15 minutes. The winding tower of shaft 12 (German: Schachthalle), a well-known symbol of Zeche Zollverein, will appear in front of your eye. There is free locker in A zone.

