Hello Kitty Murder Case

3 min readSep 3, 2022


HongKong Horrors

Disclaimer: This content may be inappropriate for people sensitive towards murders and brutal affairs.

Hello Kitty dolls are famous worldwide. From 8 to 80,everyone has heard about them. But this horrifying case may cause to think them twice before buying any Hello Kitty products, specially stuffed dolls like Hello Kitty Mermaids..

The incident starts when a 14 year old girl comes to police station and confesses them about a horrifying murder of a 23 year old girl as she stated that the victim’s ghost is chasing her everywhere and not leave her until she tells the truth.

It was 1999,Police were first not getting the things clear, but the evidences she showed left them shocked and speechless.

From left-Fan Man Yee, Chan Man Lok, Chan’s Subordinate

Fan Man Yee, a girl who was abandoned by her family, is the tragic victim of this case. Man Yee was a drug addict so she chose prostitution to get necessary amount of money. She(23) was a night club hostess where she met Chan Man Lok(34),a pimp and a drug dealer. They became close due to their similarities in drug and prostituion. One day Man Yee stole $4000 from Chan’s wallet due to her addiction of drugs and probably never thought it would be her last stealing from anyone. Furious Chan and his subordinates kidnapped Man Yee and they start torturing her by various inhuman ways. As per the 14 year old girl, who introduced herself as Chan’s girlfriend but was probably one of the prostitutes,they used to burn her skin, rape her, give her electric shocks and many other inexplicable jobs. And these monsters used to cook food and play video games in other times when they were not tormenting her.

But this was just the beginning of this pathetic incident. After 1 month of this torture one morning Chan found out that Man Yee had died overnight. So he decided to call his subordinates and hide the body. They cut the poor girl’s body into pieces with a saw and boiled her body parts in the same cooker in which they cooked food. After boiling they disposed those cooked parts in the garbage can but they kept her head with them. Later they placed her head into a big oversized HELLO KITTY MERMAID and stiched it!! They also put some of her organs and teeth in a plastic packet and kept that.

When the little girl took police to the apartment it was full of Hello Kitty dolls and accesories. There police found that oversized mermaid and Man Yee’s head inside it and thus this horrifying death came into public ears.

The Court of HongKong was also shook to hear such a case. Chan Man Lok and his henchmen were arrested shortly after. As the body parts were fully deformed,forensic department was unable to find out the actual cause of Man Yee’s death. But it is assumed that her wounds gradually killed her. They were taken into imprisonment due to manslaughtering and kidnapping. The girl was given freedom as without her police would never be able to find all those proofs.

According to Psychologists, Chan Man Lok and their subordinates were victims of sociopsychological disorders even the little girl was also not mentally fit. But probably due to the abhorrent aftershock of the murder she could not control herself and started hallucinating Man Yee. So she came to the police and the worst case came into light.

(After sealing the apartment, many residents of the same building started complaining about a girl roamimg around with terribly wounded body and started leaving the building. Finally it was demolished after some years.)

Postscript: So dear readers, what do you think about gifting a Hello Kitty doll to your toddler next time? Would you like to think again?




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