Xhosa Traditional Attire: A Guide to South Africa’s Cultural Fashion Heritage

Everything ZA
10 min readFeb 12, 2024


Xhosa traditional attire represents a tapestry of cultural identity and heritage for the Xhosa people of South Africa. Vibrant and symbolic, the clothing style not only reflects the rich history of the Bantu-speaking tribe but also their social and spiritual beliefs. Far beyond mere fashion, these garments are laden with meaning; from the use of bright colours like red, white, orange, and yellow to the intricate beadwork, each element is a narrative woven into the fabric, carrying with it tales of ancestry and community.

The elaborate designs of Xhosa attire are deeply connected to the tribe’s customs and rituals, with specific outfits reserved for events such as marriage ceremonies and traditional festivities. The men typically wear wrap-around skirts, while women are adorned in long aprons and dresses embellished with distinctive prints. Accessories form an essential part of the traditional dress, including beaded necklaces and headgear that signify various stages of life within the Xhosa culture.

In contemporary times, the influence of Xhosa traditional dresses has crossed cultural boundaries, inspiring modern fashion designers in South Africa and beyond. While the silhouette may evolve with fashion trends, the essence of the traditional designs is preserved, paying homage to the Xhosa people’s abiding respect for their roots. This sartorial expression is a proud statement of identity and an open celebration of the tribe’s enduring legacy.

Historical Context of Xhosa Traditional Attire

Xhosa traditional attire, deeply entrenched in South Africa’s heritage, reflects a rich history and cultural identity shaped by societal changes and historical events.

Evolution Over Time

The Xhosa people have long used clothing to signify social status and identity. Garments have evolved, incorporating both time-honoured designs and modern influences. Historically, materials like animal skins and later, traded fabrics were fashioned into clothing. Today’s attire, while still honouring tradition, often includes contemporary fabrics.

Influence of Colonialism

Colonialism brought significant changes to Xhosa attire. European materials and clothing styles were introduced, altering traditional designs. The Isicholo, originally made from hair and signifying marital status, was transformed under these influences, eventually adopting new materials like fabric and straw.

Preservation of Heritage

Despite colonial and modern influences, preservation efforts continue. Garments like the Xhosa beadwork remain culturally significant, symbolising ethnicity and social standing. Ceremonies and festivals, alongside initiatives by designers who incorporate traditional elements into modern fashion, keep the heritage alive.

Cultural Significance

The Xhosa traditional attire is a vibrant tapestry that represents the cultural identity and values of the Xhosa community.

Symbolism and Identity

The colours and patterns found in Xhosa attire are not mere fashion statements but signify deeper aspects of the Xhosa identity. Beadwork, in particular, is vested with symbolism, with different colours representing social status, marital status, and various stages of life. This traditional clothing acts as a visual dialogue within the community, conveying information without the need for words.

Ceremonies and Rituals

During ceremonies and rituals, Xhosa attire is more than just decorative. Each garment and accessory is chosen with intention, reflective of the event’s significance. For weddings, initiations, and other cultural festivities, specific items are worn that embody the gravity and joy of the occasion, thus maintaining the link between the past and the present within the community.

Status and Respect

In Xhosa culture, attire is also an indicator of status and respect. The elders and those of high social standing within the community are often distinguished by more elaborate and detailed garments. The respect accorded to individuals based on their clothing is a deeply entrenched aspect of Xhosa social norms and is observed with great care during public gatherings and in day-to-day interactions.

Xhosa Traditional Attire for Men

Xhosa traditional attire for men exudes cultural significance and identity through its intricate designs and use of embellishments. This section examines the different aspects of the traditional apparel worn by Xhosa men.

Everyday Outfits

Umbhaco, a predominant element in the Xhosa men’s wardrobe, is often worn for daily activities. This traditional attire consists of a plain white or cream fabric, edged with black bias binding to create a distinctive and recognisable look. The regular outfit may include a shirt, trousers, and sometimes an isikhakha or blanket draped over the shoulder for added warmth and style.

Ceremonial Clothing

During ceremonies, the Xhosa men’s clothing transforms into a more elaborate ensemble to honour the occasion’s importance. They might wear brightly coloured beaded necklaces and more decorative isikhakha than those used in everyday attire. The inclusion of a scarf, often richly embellished with beadwork, signifies respect and adherence to cultural rites.

Accessories and Embellishments

Accessories are paramount in accentuating the cultural identity of Xhosa men’s traditional attire. Beaded bracelets and beaded necklaces are not mere decorations but serve as symbols of status and personal journeys. These items of jewellery are meticulously crafted, with each colour and pattern bearing a specific meaning related to the wearer’s life story or community role.

Xhosa Traditional Attire for Women

Traditional Xhosa attire for women is a symbol of their cultural heritage, displaying unique patterns and designs that are infused with symbolism. The attire spans daily wear to elaborate ensembles for special occasions, including distinct jewellery and accessories.

Daily Wear

In their daily lives, Xhosa women may wear simplified versions of traditional dress. This generally includes an umbhaco, which is a form of wraparound skirt, and a plain blouse. The umbhaco may be adorned with simple patterns. They accessorise with minimal beadwork to add a touch of tradition to everyday outfits. Additionally, some women might choose to wear the isidwaba, a leather skirt, for durability and practicality.

Special Occasion Attire

For ceremonies and significant events, women’s attire is particularly elaborate. The intricate dress generally comprises of a brightly coloured ixhosa traditional skirt and a matching top, complemented by a iqhiya, which is the traditional headdress. During marital ceremonies, the inxili, a heavy beaded necklace, may be worn. Special occasion wear often incorporates izicolo, which are large beaded hoops that can be worn around the neck or as a headdress.

Jewellery and Accessories

Beadwork is a critical element of Xhosa women’s attire, carrying deep meaning and often revealing information about the wearer’s social status. Traditional accessories include beaded necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. Each piece incorporates specific patterns and designs signifying different aspects of Xhosa heritage and the wearer’s personal journey. Beadworkcolour combinations serve to communicate messages, with each colour having its own significance within Xhosa tradition.

The Modern Influence

Xhosa traditional attire has evolved significantly over time, becoming a dynamic symbol of identity that seamlessly incorporates modern stylistic elements. This section explores how contemporary fashion trends, Western influences, and thoughts on what the future holds shape the current landscape of Xhosa dress.

Contemporary Fashion Interpretations

In today’s fashion scene, Xhosa traditional attire is reimagined with fresh designs that make it suitable for a variety of occasions. Designers introduce vibrant colours and intricate beadwork, transforming conventional garb into chic modern Xhosa dress that makes a bold fashion statement. These outfits not only respect tradition but also cater to contemporary style preferences.

Integration With Western Styles

The impact of globalization on Xhosa attire is undeniable, with Western fabrics and clothing styles merging with traditional elements to create exceptional hybrid outfits. This fusion extends to materials used for ceremonial clothing — once purely made from indigenous resources, now various modern fabrics are commonly included. Such changes reflect a broader cultural dialogue and exchange prompted by historical events and ongoing global interconnectedness.

The Future of Xhosa Attire

Considering the trajectory of its development, the future of Xhosa attire appears to hinge on its adaptability. It will likely keep marrying traditional significance with ever-shifting fashion trends, retaining its place not only in ceremonial contexts but also in everyday style. The readiness with which younger generations embrace these garments suggests a sustainable, living tradition that honours its roots while embracing innovation.

Attire for Life’s Milestones

Xhosa traditional attire is deeply intertwined with the cultural rituals of South Africa, marking significant life events with distinct garments. Each milestone — from weddings and initiation ceremonies to funerals — has specific attire that reflects the individual’s role and the event’s importance.

Wedding Garments

In a Xhosa traditional wedding, the bride’s dress, known as umakoti, is characterised by intricate beadwork and patterns. The Xhosa wedding dress typically merges vibrant fabrics and symbolic accessories that signify her marital status. The groom wears Xhosa traditional attire for men, which often includes patterned skirts and beaded bracelets, complementing the bride’s ensemble.

Initiation Clothing

For initiation ceremonies, Xhosa youth don special garments representing their transition to adulthood. Boys wear loincloths and blankets in certain textures and colours while the community performs rituals to celebrate their rite of passage. Once they complete the initiation, new clothing signifies their changed status.

Funeral Dress

At funerals, attire varies depending on one’s relationship to the deceased. The family often wears sombre, dark-coloured Xhosa traditional attire to show respect. Mourners from the community might also wear toned-down versions of their traditional wear, symbolising solidarity and collective mourning.

Materials and Fabrication

The Xhosa attire incorporates a variety of textiles and construction techniques, which are integral to its rich tradition. Colour also plays a significant role, enriching the cultural narrative through vibrant hues and symbolic meanings.

Textiles and Patterns

Xhosa attire is characterised by the use of diverse fabrics such as cotton and wool. Natural fibres are prominent, with ujamani, a wool-based material, often employed for its robustness and natural earthy tones. Geometric patterns are prevalent, with designs often including traditional motifs that tell stories or represent social statuses. It’s common to see the integration of the tartan blanket, which has been adapted with unique Xhosa influences, featuring distinct geometric patterns that hold cultural significance.

Construction Techniques

The construction of Xhosa traditional attire involves skillful methods passed down through generations. Garments are typically handcrafted, with particular attention to detail, ensuring durability and functionality. Beadwork, an essential feature, is meticulously sewn onto fabrics, often used to adorn scarfs and other accessories. Techniques include pleating and gathering of skirts, with proportions and fit tailored to embrace and celebrate the wearer’s body.

Significance of Colours

In Xhosa clothing, colours are not merely aesthetic but carry deep symbolic meanings. Red signifies both toughness and fertility, black often represents maturity and white symbolises purity or spirituality. Vibrant colours like yellow, blue, and green are commonly seen, with each holding a specific cultural significance. For instance, blue may be associated with peace and harmony, while green can represent life and prosperity. These colours are intentionally selected for various ceremonies and life stages, making each garment a meaningful expression of Xhosa heritage.

Culinary Traditions and Social Practices

The culinary traditions and practices of the Xhosa people are deeply intertwined with their social events and rituals, serving as a vital component of their shared cultural expression.

Food and Feasting

Feasting is a significant aspect of Xhosa culture, especially during ceremonies such as weddings or traditional celebrations. Central to these feasts are corn-based dishes, often coupled with a variety of meats including beef and mutton. The Xhosa take great care in preparing dishes like umngqusho, a hearty meal made from samp and beans, which is a staple during large gatherings. A particular delicacy is the liver of the slaughtered animal, which is traditionally offered to the most senior men as a sign of respect.

Community Gatherings

Community gatherings are pivotal in Xhosa culture, where food and collective dining are more than just sustenance but an expression of unity and heritage. During these occasions, the practice of slaughtering livestock, an act known as ukusika in Xhosa, is both a spiritual and communal duty, reflecting the reverence held for ancestors and the Nguni ethnic group’s long-standing traditions. Milk, often fermented, stands as a common beverage, symbolising the pastoral life intrinsic to the Xhosa and other Eastern Cape communities.

Intersections With Other Cultures

Xhosa culinary customs demonstrate significant intersections with broader African culture and influences from the introduction of Christianity. While traditional rites and beliefs remain strong, there has been an integration of Christian practices in community feasts and weddings. This blend of cultural elements reinforces the adaptability of the Xhosa and their openness to embedding different cultural influences into their robust, traditional fabric.

Frequently Asked Questions

In exploring the rich tapestry of Xhosa culture, it’s essential to understand the traditional attire and its significance. Here, some of the most commonly asked questions are addressed to provide insight into this vibrant aspect of Xhosa heritage.

What types of clothing are typically worn by women in Xhosa culture?

Women often wear the umbhaco, a traditional dress, which is a long flowing garment typically accompanied by a matching headscarf. These garments are known for their intricate beadwork and vibrant fabrics.

How does traditional attire differ between men and women within the Xhosa community?

The traditional attire for Xhosa men usually includes the ibheshu, a garment made from animal skin, paired with embellished accessories. Women, on the other hand, might don the isidwaba, a skirt also made from animal skin but enhanced with colourful beads and textiles.

From what fabric is the umbhaco, a traditional Xhosa garment, made?

The umbhaco is made from a thick and durable fabric called isishweshwe, which has distinctive printed patterns, often in a circular design and rich in colour.

What attire might a Xhosa Makoti choose to wear for cultural events?

A Xhosa Makoti (a newly married woman) might choose to wear bespoke Xhosa attire, which includes an ikhethe, a blanket worn around the shoulders, and beaded accessories, symbolising her marital status and the respect for her new family.

In what ways has Xhosa traditional clothing evolved over time?

Over the centuries, Xhosa traditional clothing has incorporated elements from different cultures and modern fabrics while preserving its distinctive designs and cultural significance.

How do members of the Xhosa community dress for cultural celebrations such as Heritage Day?

During cultural celebrations like Heritage Day, Xhosa people often wear formal versions of their traditional attire, featuring elaborate beadwork and vibrant patterns that celebrate their cultural identity and history.



Everything ZA

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