TWHS: Rostov Kremlin

Alex Curylo
3 min readNov 22, 2017


Continuing on down the Yaroslavl highway from Sergiev Posad, just about the time you’re ready to take a break you’ll come to the town of Rostov (also called Rostov-Veliky so as not to be confused with Rostov-on-Don) which is another of the Golden Ring of historically significant cities northeast of Moscow, and is the home of the Tentative World Heritage Site

Rostov Kremlin

Rostov Kremlin

Rostov Kremlin is placed in the center of Rostov Veliky (the Great), on the hill of the side of the Lake Nero. The Kremlin consistod of three independent areas. The central one (Bishop’s Yard) is fenced by high walls with towers. Two other smaller parts are: north-Sobomaya Square; soth-territory of Gregory Seclusion. In the second half of the 17th century in the time of Metropolitan Ioan Sysojevich these three parts were united and the integral architectural ensemble was created. High fortress walls with 11 towers enclose metropolitan residence. Above the solemn gate from the south and west temples flanked with towers. Metropolitan Chambers, personal church, “palace for grand sovereigns’ advents and others set inside the yard. Metropolitan Residence is one of the best Old Russian ensembles reached our days. It combines masterpieces of Old Russian architecture and monumental painting. In Rostov Bishop’s Yard (Rostov Kremlin) there is Museum under the State protection “Rostov Kremlin” which is included into the State Code of especially valuable objects of cultural heritage of Russia.

The picture above centers on Assumption Cathedral, which is in its own Cathedral Square. Restoration efforts are ongoing inside, but it’s still a place of active worship with some really beautiful icons:

Gilded Icon

Walking out of it to the south, The Resurrection of Christ Gate-Church is above the gates leading into the central compound:

Resurrection of Christ Gate-Church

Inside are a variety of buildings, most interesting of which is Hodegetria Icon Church, a Russian baroque style building which was the last to be built here back in the 17th century:

Hodegetria Icon Church

The main entrance to this part from the outside is St John the Theologian’s Gate-Church, towering above the Holy Gates:

St John the Theologian's Gate-Church

More details on the Rostov Kremlin can be found here — note that many of the churches and museums are only open from May 1 to October 1, so we missed out on a thorough visit. Definitely makes a nice stop before hitting World Heritage City Yaroslavl, that’s next up!

