Evey Hammond
2 min readJun 11, 2016


Sure she was secretary of the mother fucking state, and she did a mother fucking shitty job at it too. You could say one is qualified for a job like lifegaurding because they have experience in the field, but fail to mention all the people that drowned on their watch. Speaking of which, I’d rather go down with the monogrammed towels than endorse someone whose policy I don’t believe in. Maybe your argument would make more sense if I was a good little democrat, but like a lot of other folks supporting Bernie I’m an independent, which means when he drops out I’m probably going back to the Green Party thank you very much.

And one more thing, don’t blame Bernie supporters if Trump wins. It’s fucking moronic to think that way. Bernie supporters were toting data about how he would fare much better in a general election than Hillary would and how he actually had a chance to beat trump while all the little I’m with her monkeys were talking about how “qualified” and “electable” she is, so who’s really at fault here??

A lot of us wouldn’t have voted democrat OR republican to begin with and if it hadn’t been for Bernie no one would have blamed the turn out of the election on independents the way they are now.



Evey Hammond

Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask and he will tell you the truth.