Brewed Brilliance and Bedtime Blunders

Scooter McEvich
2 min readNov 30, 2023
Photo by Katie Drazdauskaite on Unsplash

Navigating the Perils of Coffee: The Elixir of Productivity or the Real Reason I Can’t Sleep?

In the caffeinated chaos of my life, coffee plays the dual role of productivity superhero and silent saboteur. It all begins innocently enough, a morning ritual of brewing that sacred elixir promising to transform me from a groggy zombie to a productivity powerhouse.

As I savor the first sip, I can feel the neurons in my brain doing the tango, a synchronized dance of alertness. I power through tasks with the grace of a caffeinated ninja, conquering deadlines with unparalleled efficiency. My to-do list quivers in fear at the mere mention of my name, fueled by the magical beans that promise focus and determination.

Yet, as the day unfolds, so does the dark side of my newfound superpower. By mid-afternoon, I’m riding the caffeine rollercoaster, teetering on the edge of productivity and jittery chaos. Colleagues start to avoid my desk, sensing the imminent danger of engaging with a human tornado fueled by espresso.

But the real drama unfolds when the sun sets, and the coffee-induced energy refuses to bow out gracefully. While I may have conquered the day’s tasks, my brain has now declared war on the concept of sleep. As midnight approaches, I find myself engaged in a staring contest with the ceiling, my mind…



Scooter McEvich

Explorer & writer on life, culture, and healing. A pretty chill homo.