How to: Participate in the Evimeria swap

4 min readAug 3, 2019


This article will show you how to be eligible for the new EVI coin as well as what you should and shouldn’t do to in order to receive the new EVI coin.

First of all, DO NOT send any OLD EVI tokens from STEX or any other exchange to EviEx. We will distribute all the new EVI on EviEx. NEVER send your OLD EVI to EviEx!

Important details:

The swap process

Now let’s move on to the swapping process, how does it work?

Navigate to and either log in or create an account. Once signed in you should see your OLD EVI tokens.

On the top left you see a button Send, click on that and you will be prompted to:

As you can see here I have 500,000 EVI tokens that I can send to the swap address. But before I do that I have to write some necessary information in the Description before I send my EVI tokens.

EviEx E-mail address & EviEx UID(User ID)
This is how it looks when filled it

After I click continue I have to save the TXID:

Once I click send I can view the details of my transaction:

When I click on View Transaction I will be prompted to the waves explorer page:

This is how it looks:

Make a screenshot of this page and save it on your computer.

Now we navigate to the swap request form:

And fill it in with the details requested:

For safety purposes, for myself I always want a Copy of my answers.

This is how you request your new EVI coin. The first batch, depending on how many people filled in this form, will be distributed either on the weekend august 31st or the weekend of september 7th.

If you have any questions feel free to ask these on our official handles:


Good luck!

Evimeria & EviEx Team

Disclaimer: By following these steps and sending us the documents you agree to the use of your personal data for the sole purpose of the distribution the new EVI tokens on our EviEx platform. The data we request is necessary to determine the validation of each user.




Evimeria - bringing charity to the blockchain Evimeria is the bridge between generosity, and the people who need it the most.