6 Office Desk Cleaning Tips that You May Find Handy

Muhammad Hussain
3 min readApr 17, 2018


You must be aware how complicatedly brands are investing money to ensure greater productivity from their workforce. Do you know what research indicates about improving productivity of the employees across the corporate world?

Cleanliness = Productivity

Irrespective of whatever excuses one may give, a piled up workstation is no more accepted. The times have changed and now a disorganised desk creates a negative impression about the concerned employee. If your desk is in a perpetual mess and if you return to your cluttered workstation day in and day out, then read on to learn about some tried and tested office desk cleaning tips. These will help you clear away the clutter in one hand and improve your productivity in the other.

  1. Go for a real inbox: These days, we are so well-accustomed to virtual inboxes in the emails that most people have forgotten about the physical version on their desks. There has to be a well-defined place for all the incoming papers and files. Else, they will just make your workstation more messy while some of the important documents may get lost.
  2. Place the trash bin within your reach: If you’ve to get up from your seat every time to access the trash bin, then it’s surely placed quite far away. Replace it somewhere nearer your seat so that you can easily dispose unimportant papers.
  3. Minimise your incoming papers: Somehow you’ve to restrict the incoming flood of papers to your work desk. Reduce the number of memos and paper reports, do away with unnecessary subscriptions. Make sure, only the hard copies of crucial documents reach your desk.
  4. Organise your office stationery items: Make sure your useful office stationery items don’t freely scatter on your desk. These items not only take up the vital space but also make the desk appear untidy. Also get rid of those practically useless conference passes and SWAG items that you don’t need.
  5. Schedule a routine cleaning time: If your desk has not be cleaned in the last one month, then probability is high the compounding factor will come into play and it’ll take you at least a couple of hours to tidy it up. In other words, you are investing your precious time and effort on a task equally important and urgent, but which has no productive value. On the other hand, if you regularly chip in just a few minutes to tidy up your desk, it saves both your time and productivity.
  6. Use the conventional filing system: Around 9 out of 10 hard copy documents that you save are simply useless. You will never need those papers. Use the conventional filing system to store all your hard copy documents.

In addition to the tips given above, professionals in Dubai are found to make a smart effort to reduce paper documents. They make ample use of the scanner to do away with hard copy documents. Digitised documents are not only easier to maintain but also they don’t take up your desk space. If you want more thorough and in-depth cleaning, contact one of the best cleaning companies in Dubai. There are many such service providers, who perform in-depth cleaning of your office at a cost that easily fits your budget.

