Unveiling the Sweet Symphony of Apple Pie A Decentralized BNB Mining Adventure on BSC

3 min readFeb 4, 2024



In the fast-paced world of decentralized finance, a new player has emerged on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) — the Apple Pie Project. Promising an enticing daily Return on Investment (ROI) of up to 10%, Apple Pie aims to provide users with a pathway to financial independence through its decentralized BNB mining rewards pool. This article will explore the key features, innovative concepts, and potential risks associated with the Apple Pie Project.

Apple Pie: A Recipe for Financial Freedom:

Apple Pie positions itself as a decentralized BNB mining rewards pool, designed to liberate individuals from the corporate rat race. The project emphasizes transparency, convenience, and control over one’s finances, empowering users to shape their financial destiny. With a high-risk, high-reward strategy, the Apple Pie Project is on a mission to breathe new life into the BSC network through openness and genuine commitment from its dedicated team.

Decoding the Apple Pie Smart Contract:

At its core, Apple Pie operates as a passive income-generating smart contract, boasting an exciting Annual Percentage Rate (APR) to validate user investments. The smart contract functions as a locked staking rewards pool, converting assets into ‘Pie’ on the decentralized application (Dapp). Users stand to earn up to 10% of their daily investment, making it a potentially lucrative venture for risk-taking investors.

Intriguing Concepts: Pool-as-a-Service and Governance:

The Apple Pie Dapp introduces two unique concepts — Pool-as-a-Service and Governance. Pool-as-a-Service diverges from traditional yield farming by offering ovens (pools) for stablecoins and renowned project tokens, minimizing the risk of token devaluation. Currently featuring three ovens — BNB, USDT, and CAKE — Apple Pie teases the upcoming inclusion of EVM-compatible ovens for blockchains like Ethereum, Avalanche, and others. The project’s commitment to decentralization is evident through its governance structure, empowering the community to actively participate in decision-making processes.

Governance Process:

The governance process on Apple Pie involves three stages — Preliminary Discussion, Decision Making, and Implementation. Users propose and discuss ideas in Discord channels, fostering open conversations. The community then votes on proposals through the Snapshot stage, leading to either approval for implementation or rejection.

Baking the Perfect Pie: Understanding the Smart Contract Dynamics:

Apple Pie introduces two enticing recipes — Lick Pie for withdrawal and Heat Pie for reinvestment. The smart contract’s coding includes a cost-benefit strategy, where users incurring withdrawal fees are contrasted with those compounding their investments for greater rewards.

Important Measurements and Use Case:

Numerical supremacy is at the core of Apple Pie’s design, with a daily ROI of 10%, an APR of 3600, a 4% developer fee, and a generous 20% referral reward. The article provides a week’s estimated yield for users strictly following the recipe, emphasizing the potential returns on a 10 CAKE investment.

Oven Timer and Referral Baking:

The article introduces the concept of an optimal 7-day withdrawal cycle, comprising 6 days of reinvesting and 1 day of withdrawal, promoting the protocol’s longevity and maximizing reward rates. The referral baking program incentivizes users, offering a 20% share of the 4% developer fee on each referral baking.


Transparent funds allocation and fee structures contribute to Apple Pie’s sustainability. With a detailed breakdown of presale, liquidity, bounty rewards, and burned allocations, the project aims to establish a balanced tokenomics model.


As users venture into the sweet world of Apple Pie, they are encouraged to understand the recipe, follow the protocol, and embrace the high-risk, high-reward nature of this decentralized BNB mining adventure. With its innovative concepts, transparent governance, and enticing returns, Apple Pie stands as a promising contender in the dynamic landscape of decentralized finance on the Binance Smart Chain.

For more information Connect to Applepie

Project’s website- https://applepies.co/

Twitter page- https://twitter.com/Applepiefin

Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/applepiefin/

Reddit- https://www.reddit.com/user/applepiefin/

Medium Link- https://applepiefin.medium.com/

Telegram group- https://t.me/solana_shib

Discord- https://discord.com/invite/x76F624yVe

Project Whitpaper- https://applepiefin.gitbook.io/applepie.financial/

Author Deatails

BTT Username : EvinLewise
Profile link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3470173
Telegram Name : @EvinLewise
BSC/ETH : 0xb0104B839ed09c5c86F6D15F975161d56b2E8a04

