So I Quit My Day Job to Write… Just Kidding, But the Dream Lives On!

Evita Shami
2 min readDec 31, 2023

2023 was a rollercoaster, weaving through challenges that left me feeling bruised and broken. Old memories, both sunshine and shadows, returned, stirring emotions. But amidst the storm, a silver lining emerged: I discovered writing.

It wasn’t love at the first draft. Putting pen to paper, or rather fingers to keyboard, caused my heart to tap and my palms to sweat. The sound of the keyboard nevertheless brought about a strange transformation with every clickety-clack. It was as if my pain had eased, replaced by an unexpected sense of pride and a quiet joy. As much as I enjoyed writing, this was also therapy, a means of healing my wounds through the healing power of words.

Writing became my addiction, the kind that would keep me up past my bedtime, fingers twitching for the familiar clickety-clack. It’s a fantasy of mine to quit my job and spend my days scribbling, but stories are exciting to craft

You see, I’m not a literary Shakespeare, my grammar occasionally stumbles and sentence structure can take a tumble. But that’s the beauty of it, isn’t it? Despite the imperfect prose, the message still reaches the audience. It is as if my thoughts take flight, unencumbered by commas and colons, reaching out to connect with others who share my vision.

