TERA: cryptocurrency wallet, types, account creation

Evgen K
7 min readAug 20, 2019


I offer a short Tera Wallet creation guide: web versions, on mobile devices and in a node, that supports Tera decentralized network.

For those who are already familiar with the blockchain, it is easier to get an orientation in the creation of wallets and accounts for cryptocurrencies. However, there are many of those who are just starting to study the digital ecosystem. And it would be useful to give them a few tips on how to create a Tera wallet in a few seconds and start using it.

Personally I already had to explain multiple times how to start working with the native cryptocurrency of the TERA Foundation project and gain access to the decentralized applications available on the platform. Therefore, I decided that a small instruction for beginners still would not be out of place, so that if necessary, you could share a link with a description of the first steps when registering a Tera account online.

What is interesting is the platform itself is already specified in the article “TERA: innovative blockchain solutions”, and is also available in whitepaper on the official Tera Foundation website.

I’ll mention only a couple of characteristics that are important in revealing the wallet’s functionality: transactions in the Tera network take no longer than 8 seconds, and scalability exceeds 1000 tps with the PoW consensus algorithm.

Tera Wallet: web version (light wallet)

To create a web wallet, just click on the “Wallet” button on the page of the official Tera website — https://terafoundation.org. Preliminary you can select the most appropriate interface language.

( If any of the Tera users have difficulty using the web wallet at: https://terawallet.org/ then please use alternatives: https://teraexplorer.org/web-wallet.html, https://t3.teraexplorer.com/ https://t4.teraexplorer.com/, https://t5.teraexplorer.com/)

When you are on the web wallet page, you will see that everything is quite simple and understandable.

The button (1) — “Accounts” opens a tab where the wallet is created initially, or in the process of use it provides access to already existing accounts for conducting of necessary transactions.

If this is the first time you are on the “Accounts” page, then click (2) “+ CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT”

After that, give the name to the wallet in the special field (1) “Public name”. (1) For example, I called my new wallet “NAME W”. Then click (2) “CREATE ACCOUNT” and that’s all!

In no more than 15 seconds, the wallet will be created and the first account on it is ready to work. You can connect it to some decentralized application. To do this, click on “+” and indicate in the field that appears the number of the dapps (1).

You can separately get acquainted with the applications available on the Tera platform by clicking the “DAPPS” button from the general menu, and an article on this topic has been published here in Russian

and here in English.

Connect DApp.

For example, we need a decentralized exchange on the TERA platform, then we should enter the dapp number “20”.

Then click “OK”, wait a few seconds until the connection passes. Successful connection will be reported by the app icon appeared opposite the account number:

We click on it and get access to the trading platform

Other dapps are connected in the same way.

Cryptocurrencies management in a TERA wallet

When creating an account, in the “Currency” field, the TERA cryptocurrency is offered by default, but the list (see the picture below) already contains tokens that are created on the TERA platform and are circulated on it in test mode for the moment. Also replenishment and withdrawal in BTC (Bitcoins) are in operation. The choice will be replenished and for certain smart contracts or applications, it may be necessary to create an account in the corresponding coin. For example, for settlement payments on a decentralized exchange on a BTC/TERA pair, an account in the Bitcoin cryptocurrency (BTC) is required.

The wallet owner can create as many accounts as he needs without restrictions, both in TERA and in another currency available for transactions on the platform.

TERA wallet keys

Access to the wallet provides a private key. Key management is performed on page (1) KEY SETTING.

On this page you can:

  • save the key of the open wallet by pressing the button (2) “SAVE KEY” and the notepad file with the Private key will be written to the internal drive of the computer device;
  • open another wallet with the button (3) “EDIT” by inserting another private key in the corresponding field;
  • create a new wallet with the help of the same “EDIT” button, but searching through combinations of new keys with the GENERATE KEY button.

Mobile wallet TERA

In July it was tested, after which it was provided to users of the crypto community and everyone who wants to use the TERA mobile wallet for Android (IOS is in the process of being finalized)

You can download it on Play Market using the link:

The process of working with accounts on a mobile wallet and connecting daps is identical to a light wallet.

Creating a Tera wallet in a node

A heavy (full, thick) Tera wallet is a node that supports the project’s decentralized network. It has more software options, such as creating smart contracts, editing decentralized applications and others, and also allows you to participate in mining of the Tera cryptocurrency.

Here, TERA wallet is also created in just a few clicks:

1 — press the button “New wallet”;

2 — press the button “Save”.

Wallet change can be done through button “Edit wallet” (3).

An account is created as follows:

1 — press the button “New account”;

2 — in a line “Public name” write down the account number. On the example on the picture it had name «ACCOUNT_NAME»;

In “Currency” line is blockchain TERA currency by default (it’s ID — 0);
“Adviser” — here is ID of account of the one who invited you or consultant (not necessary);
“Smart” — here, if necessary, is assigned a binding to the smart contract ID or DApp.

3 — now button “Create”. Wait a few seconds and you will see the created account.

If you are interested in coin mining, then a few useful mining tips with explanations on how to deal with the most common errors are written here in Russian.

and here in English:

The installation instruction itself became somewhat irrelevant, after the installer on Windows came out (it is available here — https://gitlab.com/terafoundation/terarun/raw/master/Bin/Full/tera_full_setup.exe) and many steps are performed automatically.

Nevertheless, some questions from new participants of the cryptocommunity are repeating, therefore for those who decide to mine it will not be superfluous to have a look at the article, the links to which are given above.

For the convenience of users, the developers implemented loading a node from the end of the chain, which allows you to start working with a heavy wallet in just 10–15 minutes after the installation starts, and only the space that the owner of the node has the opportunity to allocate for the Tera blockchain is taken into account.

The Tera project is constantly developing and to keep abreast of the events going on in the cryptocommunity, the best option would be to join the groups:

in Telegram — https://t.me/terafoundation

or in Twitter — https://twitter.com/terafoundation

