The headhunting tool based on independently evaluated features

3 min readMay 27, 2018


The search engine across the professionals’ database for companies is built on the base of the availability of users’ confirmed competences. The following requirements, rather than the job seeker’s position or role are set in the search:

• Requirements to skills evaluated independently and without bias
• Requirements to personal business qualities evaluated independently and without bias
• Potential assessment based on actions outside the professional field

In turn, the user is able either to make up a personal portrait based on the above-mentioned components or to verify this data via independent appraisal.The system automatically ranks the findings based on the integral rating that accounts for matches and deviations both in professional competences and in personal business qualities. The neuron network that is later integrated into the architecture, as the new data is accumulated, allows for automatic search and finding of the most suitable correlations of weight ratios for all factors used in the integral valuation.

The system also harnesses the predefined profiles that bridge the past personnel recruitment logic and the efficient methods applied in the project. When selecting a particular position in the past logic, the system substitutes the most suitable competences and personal business qualities for the
search criteria automatically, by embracing so-called professional standard. These models appear in the system automatically, as the data on closed vacancies and selected job seekers is harvested, and are also elaborated by the system proactively for the areas where the market data is

Simultaneously, the system answers to both parties to the questions: How much does the specialist I need cost? How much do I cost and am I valuable as a specialist? The foundation of the established objective skills assessment considerably facilitates answers to these questions.

Depending on user settings, personal data and pictures are not necessarily returned using the search, and the user is able to send them if he/she is interested in the offered position. In particular, sex and age can be hidden, which is more than acceptable practice in developed nations, and
testifies to the project commitment to the pure professionalism idea and the priority of a person’s competence level.

Actually, posting the user profile in the system does not suggest the person is looking for a job but points to his/her proactivity, professional development and maintenance of professional contacts.

The user can work on development of his/her personal professional portrait freely, without the employer’s pressure as the case is when CV is published. In addition, the built-up model of skills and personal business qualities is like the “implementator” that fits in many roles of a professional in a company. The user portrait may be automatically customized to the search for job seekers, by ranking the user’s most critical skills and competences first.

Assessment of a person’s potential by his/her non-professional activity, sports results and frequency, hobbies and other factors will also become possible when the next platform stages are launched — see the project’s Road map Just imagine a young professional who is inexperienced and has the minimum of competencies but who is successfully going in for the Iron Man competitions — he will be the perfect candidate for a number of positions in the company, and the system will take these factors in to account.

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