Preparing a Productive Presentation for Your Next Board Meeting (Template included)

Evolution Equity Partners
2 min readMar 8, 2023


Typically, a Board of Directors meeting occurs once a quarter. This is a common cadence to meet and inform your Board about the business. In some scenarios, Management meets the Board each month; this should be something other than your regular cadence, as preparation for such meetings is time-consuming and distracts Management from the day-to-day operation. If your Board requires a monthly business update, consider sharing a Flash report that includes the highs and lows of the business as well as a few leading indicators.

Preparing your quarterly presentation for the Board, and sharing it in advance, can let everyone spend the meeting’s time on the main topics that require attention and decisions vs. going over many slides to learn where the business stands.

There is no one version of a Board presentation. However, to tell your business’ quarterly story to the Board, you should include key topics in a simple and easy-to-understand form.

Remember, your Board is attending a few other boards across their portfolio and may not have the context around each topic. You should know what matters to your board the most and how to present it in a simple form they can understand. It sounds trivial, but you might be surprised by how challenging it is to read a board presentation and extract the details that matter.

Following many board meetings I attended, both as a CEO and Investor, and many hours I spent preparing productive board presentations, I created a template you can use for your own. A simple time saver that will help to get things done quickly while sharing the key metrics and topics with the Board ahead of a meeting.

You should apply your business’ branding and style to the slides and modify them as much as needed. However, I would recommend you keep a similar agenda and KPIs dashboard as these are the main important topics for a board member unless there are other ‘boiling’ topics that you need to bring to the front.

You can access the Board presentation template here.

Overall, a board meeting presentation template can help you create a professional, organized presentation that effectively communicates your message to the Board of directors. This template ensures that your presentation is focused, clear, and effective, helping you maximize your time with the Board.

Written by: Yuval Ben-Itzhak



Evolution Equity Partners

International venture capital investor partnering with exceptional entrepreneurs to develop market leading cyber-security and enterprise software companies.