Evolution Land Summary 2021

Evolution Land
3 min readJan 20, 2022


Evolution Land 2021 Stats Snapshot

Evolution Land has been listed top in various rankings including Top 5 NFT games, Top NFT Game with the highest volume, etc.

Top 5 NFT Games

6 new pillar features and gameplays

  • Two new continents Dawning and Eden launched on Heco and Polygon, BSC continent coming in 2022. 200+ NFT lands have been sold in the presale of the Eden continent for 330,000 USDC.
Evolution Land DeFi center: FARM
  • Evolution Land new GameFi — Furnace
Evolution Land GameFi center: Furnace

To empower their apostle ability, players could forge equipment with resources and materials in the upcoming Equipment and Profession System.

Evolution Land Apostle Adventure
Fastpass for the new continent
  • Evolution Land DAO
Governance Center for Evolution Land resident

Evolution Land Metaverse

Evolution Land has built partnerships with star games guilds including YGG, BGG, ZGG, DFG, etc.

Star projects and influencers announced to join the Evolution Land Metaverse.

Projects joined at the launch of the Dawning continent
Projects joined at the launch of the Eden continent

Evolution Land cooperations

Evolution Land community growth

We have seen explosive growth of the Evolution Land community.

Evolution Land Roadmap 2022

About Evolution Land

Evolution Land is the first Defi+NFT cross-chain game with each continent built on different blockchain networks, such as the first Atlantis continent. The game will have up to 26 continents, each of which is deployed on a different public chain. Four continents have been built so far and have been deployed on Ethereum (Atlantis Continent), Tron (Byzantine), Columbus (Crab Network), Dawning (Heco), and Eden(Polygon).

Evolution Land: https://www.evolution.land/land/4/
Telegram: https://t.me/evolutionland9
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Evolution_Land
Discord: https://discord.gg/JRkvWXvzEe

