Physical Therapy for Tendonitis

3 min readNov 30, 2023


Tendonitis is an overuse disorder. The force is not always the same, and some joints are just better at doing certain motions than others. Now Tendonitis isn’t always present when doing the same task. Not everyone has carpal tunnel, but it’s common with people that type or use a computer. Has nothing to do with the keyboard, but the position of the wrist and how much to type at one time, is mapped out by an entire profession, ergonomics. So why do some people get it, and others do not? Not everyone is the same, is the short answer. The science of why someone gets musculoskeletal injuries is fluid at best.

Taking a person moving boxes on and off a truck. At first the variables start with the obvious like size, strength, mobility. The physical characteristics are moldable and adaptable. Sometimes genetics deals a bad hand, or a good one. The next layer is the neurological side, not only in how the nerves work, but how they interact with the brain. Some easy ones for this category are someone’s experience, and knowledge. Maybe they’ve been doing physical labor for years, stay in great shape, and eat healthy. The more reputations a task is performed, the more pathways are laid down. The whole 10,000 hour thing. There is a whole other layer that has to deal with emotion, someone’s current mental health is extremely important in overall muscle function.

The multiple layers can make Physical Therapy for Tendonitis difficult, however the recovery for all Tendonitis is essentially the same. The tendon is the attachment point between the muscle and the bone. The muscle contracts and shortens, and pulls on the tendon which pulls on the bone. Tennis elbow is something that is common in amateurs, but less common in professionals. Aside from the whole entourage taking care of the athlete, it’s also because of the technique. When the motion is balanced, the repeating stress on all the forearm muscles will be lessened. The force being pulled on a tendon can be visualized like cars on a highway. If the force is balanced, the two cars in each of the four lanes go down the road just fine. The ground will wear evenly. If the action is working it off slightly, the ground will slowly wear unevenly. This is not an injury typical with sudden motions, as those typically affect the muscle itself, like a pulled back. The tendon is a slow wear and tear type injury.

The Physical Therapy recipe will vary from joint to joint, but decreasing the inflammation is the first step. Followed by restoring normal motion, and working on supportive exercise to help correct the bad form or whatnot that caused it in the first place. The pace of progression and return to normal activity will depend on what the problem is. The other part of the equitation is what level of function does the joint need to get back to. The joint needs strengthening to help balance the structural issues, the exercise requirement for tennis elbow with an amateur and a pro are very different. Nonetheless, it’s the same process.. Finding one is the first step, but with direct access most insurance policies don’t require a referral.

Click here for more information about physical therapy for tendonitis

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