How to Make Money With Evrybit Right Now*

3 min readJan 21, 2016


*Seriously, you can.

We created Evrybit to allow anyone to become a media corporation. We want you — the local media outlets, the bloggers, the small businesses, the marketing consultants, the storytellers — to have all of the power and reach that a large media corporation has.

What does that mean? Well, quite simply, it means that we want you to make money from all the great content that you create. We want your stories to work for you.

And guess what. You don’t need anything else to start doing that right now. You need your phone and our app (did I mention it’s free?). Here is how:

  1. Get advertising. Unlike other mobile storytelling outlets, an Evrybit story is HTML. That means you can put it in your web site. WordPress. Joomla. Bootstrap. Whatever your site is in, it will work. And when it’s in your web site? You can put ads around it. Take San Angelo Live, a local publication. They ran this story (among many others) on El Día de los Muertos using Evrybit. Note the ads. It’s a cool story, that was put out live and they made money on it. Yeah — that’s how it’s supposed to work. Whether you sell the ads yourself or use an ad server, it doesn’t matter. There is nothing else you need to do. Just create a page as you would any other, embed your Evrybit story and publish. Voila.
  2. Get sponsored. As we just mentioned, an Evrybit can be embedded on your site. As such, you have control. Evrybit is great for covering live events because you can bring your iPhone and take video, photos, write, draw and record audio and it will get auto-assembled into a story. Take advantage of this for big events by telling your audience you will cover it. THEN, take that audience to a sponsor and say on day X, I will be at event Y — if you pay me, we will put your logo everywhere on the page where we are covering this event. This works from local pizza parlors sponsoring Friday night football games to Coca-Cola sponsoring Tournament of Roses Parade and everything in between. Your site: charge what you want.
  3. Sell “bits.” Make your own advertising. Evrybit story feeds are made up of media bits. You can upload these bits from your phones and even add links in the text. Charge businesses to insert bits manually. Covering a wine tasting? Call a few restaurants and charge them $50 each to upload a picture or video and link to their site in between your coverage of the tasting. Covering a sporting event? Charge local businesses to put in custom pics and videos. I think you get the idea. Get creative.
  4. Sell stories. Start your own story business. Or if you are already in social media marketing, add a new service. Custom Evrybit stories. Businesses want to get their stories out — from restaurants to brands, everyone is trying to highlight what they do. If you already have contacts, charge them to tell their story or cover an event for them. Nervous about doing this for the first time? Try covering a nonprofit event first — this will help them get their story out and also help you build a portfolio.
  5. Save time. Anyone who has live blogged using WordPress or done any event coverage knows: Evrybit saves you time. If you go to an event, you are going to take pictures, shoot videos, record interviews and take notes (maybe even sketch out some drawings). Guess what — if you are using Evrybit, you have just finished your story. And the beauty is that you can be posting these items in real-time, thus giving you the scoop. And you can even write a follow-up story to sum up the event and provide analysis.

The bottom line: Evrybit is a great tool, not just for live mobile storytelling, but for making money. Right now. Download Evrybit in the App Store and start making money today.

This article was written by Evrybit CTO Drew Falkman.




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