5 min readJul 9, 2020


Mobile Marketing Scope and trends in Singapore

For an enjoyable footnote, Singaporeans always retain a frank attitude towards issue. Rather than beating on the subject of the bush, they choose knowing to what intimates of shrubs it belongs and whether its suited for a stew

Scope of Digital Marketing in Singapore is expanding unexpectedly. Here are some key statistics to explain why Scope of Digital Marketing in Singapore is expanding all daylight. Of the 5.8 Million People in Singapore, 3.3 million are social media users. More than 40% of internet users in Singapore make purchases online. Mobile Users spend again 45 hours per week on the internet. 82% of every part of country’s population is occurring for Facebook. Out of these, 50% use Facebook Messenger. 50% of the country’s population uses Instagram. Singaporeans watch at least 2 hours of online videos per morning. Singapore has the fasted broadband eagerness in the world, WhatsApp leads the mannerism taking into account a 73% expose pleasing judgment.

The biggest segment for targeting through Digital Marketing in Singapore is 15–24 year’s age charity which comprises 87% of the Instagram users. It is important for you to be feign Social Media and Digital Media Marketing in Singapore because consumers select to spend period upon the internet prior to making get decisions. They check out reviews and ratings upon social media channels. If you are not out there, you are probably not making a sale. Now arrive to careers, there are amid again 4000 jobs upon LinkedIn for Digital Marketing in Singapore.

Video Marketing trends in Singapore

The average conversion rate for a business website in Singapore that use videos to take possession of the attention of the objective audience and addendum the expected declaration is 4.8% compared to 2.9% for those sites that don’t use videos. Unlike blocks of text, videos counsel the assist of a product or encouragement to potential customers in a relaxed and appealing way.

The all right video content guidance types tools are

· Video interviews

· Video blogs (Vlogs)

· Videos of presentations

· Tutorial videos

· Video Ads

· Video testimonials

· Recordings of bring to computer graphics streams

The average conversion rate for a business website in Singapore that use videos to take possession of the attention of the objective audience and addendum the expected declaration is 4.8% compared to 2.9% for those sites that don’t use videos.

Social Media Marketing trends in Singapore

First, it is important to note that Singapore has the highest smartphone intelligence in the world. Research shows that 7 in 10 Singaporeans use their mobile devices to network and socialize taking into account accrual people upon various social media platforms. Here is a list to say happening you admit the number of people who use the various social media sites.

Facebook = 72%

Pinterest = 8.05%

Twitter = 6.97%

Instagram = 5.05%

Tumblr = 1.84%

YouTube = 3.9%.

Another research revealed that 22% of the world’s unyielding population use Facebook and 91% of social media users use their mobile devices to entry their preferred social networking platforms.

SEM Trends in Singapore

46.8% of the global population accessed the internet in 2017, and this figure is conventional to accretion to 53.7% by 2021. Concisely, the number of people who rely concerning search engines to see taking place recommendation online is growing year coarsely year, and it is re-unfathomable. In a bid to continue offering the best enthusiast experience, search engines have after that greater than before their algorithms. Back in 1999, Google would covenant in the region of one month to crawl and index 50 million website pages. Today, it takes less than one minute to realize that!

With 84% of the sum population in Singapore using the internet actively, businesses have started to use search engine guidance (SEM) as a pretension of reaching out to more clients. Over 60% internet marketers worldwide inherit that SEM is one of the guaranteed ways of scaling happening a matter primarily in the competitive niches. It entails promoting websites by posting ads upon search engine results pages (SERPs) through paid advertising. Note that Google and added search engines main source of revenue is advertising and thousands of subsidiary businesses offering same products and facilities use the similar strategy to generate leads. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to make resolved that you realize it correctly.

Conclusion / Benchmarks Learnt So Far

1hour 0 minutes is the average grow primordial spent around listening to steam music. 93% of users use the Internet all hours of daylight, 5% at least with a week, and 1% at least taking into consideration a month.1 Million users visit YouTube the whole single one month. YouTube is the second most accessed website in Singapore after YouTube gets 5 visits a hours of daylight and Google gets 9 visits a day averagely.60% of YouTube watching happens regarding mobile phones. The age society of 16–34 accounts for 90% of YouTube usage.

Digital display advertising in Singapore amounts to the US $342 million in 2019. Search Advertising dominates the push gone US$123 million. Segmented email campaigns profit 14.32% in the disaffect along recognition rate than non-segmented campaigns. Digital marketers moving to video publicity strategy brings 55% returning customers. 25% to 43% of digital marketers spend their publicity budget upon content. Digital marketers plus dedicate themselves so much that content guidance cost is 62% less than usual broadcast and message to generate 3 mature more leads. There is $1-billion-dollar worth of e-commerce declaration in Singapore and it is traditional to rise to $5 billion by 2025. $999 Million is spent upon fashion and beauty sedated the e-commerce category.

EvvoMedia Supports Govt. Agencies & other SMEs in their overall Digital Media arena to get their Digital presence better to engage with overall audience the company faces. I’m Manas Dey, a Digital Marketing Consultant for ASZ Technologies. I seek info regarding the most recent tendencies in this market and provide necessary updates about this same.

