Machine Learning-101: Unraveling the Magic

Liz Waithaka
Women in Technology
2 min readOct 11, 2023

Machine Learning has become the buzzword of the century. But what exactly is this mystical concept? At its core, Machine Learning is the art of teaching computers to make predictions based on the data we feed them. In simpler terms, it’s all about training computers to recognize patterns and relationships in data and use that knowledge to make predictions.

Imagine you’re in charge of fraud detection at a bank. You can train a Machine Learning model to spot shady customer profiles by feeding it a mix of genuine and fraudulent cases. It learns to differentiate between the two, and voila! It can now tell you if a new customer’s profile seems fishy.

So, how does it work? The input for the model includes features related to a customer or transaction, and the output is a simple “fraud” or “no fraud” flag. This process, the journey from input data to an output label, is what we call machine learning.

Here’s the catch — Machine Learning models aren’t infallible; they don’t hit 100% accuracy. Sure, some models can outperform humans in specific tasks, but no model can claim perfection.

Now, let’s dive into the flavors of Machine Learning:

1. Supervised Learning: Think of this as the tutor-student relationship. In supervised learning, the algorithm is given a set of labeled training data. “Labeled” means we’ve attached meaningful tags to the data. For instance, we feed the algorithm images of cats, and it knows those are “cat” images.

2. Unsupervised Learning: Unsupervised learning is the realm of the unknown. Here, we hand over data without any labels, like a pile of transaction data without any clear categories.

3. Reinforcement Learning: If supervised learning is a tutor-student setup, reinforcement learning is more like coaching a sports team. The agent (or player) learns from trial and error. It receives feedback in the form of rewards (positive) or penalties (negative). Gradually, it gets better and better, aiming for the highest cumulative rewards.

4. Semi-Supervised Learning: Now, imagine a blend of supervised and unsupervised learning. This comes in handy when you have just a tiny amount of labeled data and a sea of unlabeled data. Algorithms take cues from both to up their performance.

For instance, in the world of anomaly detection, you might have a handful of known anomalies (labeled) and a treasure trove of other data (unlabeled). Semi-supervised learning swoops in to help identify those sneaky outliers among the unlabeled data.

With this understanding, you’ve taken the first step into the marvelous universe of Machine Learning. It’s a realm where data is king, patterns rule, and there’s always something new to explore. So, get ready to delve deeper into this enchanting world!



Liz Waithaka
Women in Technology

AI Enthusiast || Machine Learning || Data Scientist || StoryTelling || GitHub: