Ewelina Wołoszyn
4 min readDec 19, 2017

How to use Deep Learning in your business to make more money? #1

We are living in the most exciting times in the whole human history. And I believe that Machine Learning can and will solve all the fundamental problems that we, as humanity, are facing. In traditional way of programming, we need to code every single step of our program to achieve the goal: to get a proper output from a given input. With machine learning, the concept is slightly changed.

So, going back to our previous, old — imperative concept of coding, if you want to allow your program to recognise an apple on an image, you should probably write thousands, if not millions lines of code and include examples of apples to cover at least most of the cases. With machine learning, you can just give your program the set of apple images with proper labels — and the program can learn from all of these examples the representation of apples, the features, and so on. And what if you give your imperative program the example of apple that is not covered? Your program will not work properly. With machine learning it is still going to work properly.

Ok, the problem of checking if an image contains an apple is pretty easy. What about something different, like detecting frauds in constantly changing market conditions? This one is not something that you can cover from the very beginning to the end — and it still changes. Here comes the machine learning, that simplifies the tough problems to the simpler ones and tries to give the best possible answers to the proper questions. It makes your software constantly learning new things! That means, with time your program will be better and better.

So, what is the power of Deep Learning and why is it so important nowadays?

First of all, you should know that it is not a new concept — this unique part of Machine Learning was created around 75 years ago, in 1943, with the discovery of perceptron — so it was 16 years before the term “Machine Learning” has been used for the first time! The Deep Learning in a way that we currently see, is about 25 years old.

So, why are we using this concept now? It is very simple: because it works! And gives the amazing results with the complexity that is fair enough.

Why should we incorporate Deep Learning into our businesses? Because, according to experts from DeepMind, the total market value of “Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence with Deep Learning applications” is getting higher and higher every day — it is going to reach 450 trillions of dollars till 2030. Even right now, according to the Economic Policy Institute, the specialists in this field are being in the top 5% of best paid people all around the world. Deep Learning is moving so fast, as researchers all around the world are working on new formulas of solving problems, as well as on optimization of current ones.

So, if we have an access to the magic formula of the biggest players in the market, that found the way to earn billions of dollars and save billions too, why shouldn’t we use it to make benefits for us?

And here we are — at the moment, when Deep Learning is such a renaissance man. It is extremely efficient in many applications over a lot of industries. If you look at the one of them — healthcare, there is a possibility to build many kinds of solutions, for example the one that helps doctors in detecting and preventing diseases, even when there are no diseases symptoms. It can help people in avoiding healthcare-related problems and can help in making public health better. Deep Learning, especially in application over computer vision and data analysis, can also be used for detection for wanted and unwanted patterns and elements — for example, in detection of terrorists, detection of people who are not paying taxes, and so on. It is rolling to be totally everywhere — it already is in the software that recommends you the music or even the whole playlists (like YouTube, Spotify), it is in other kinds of commercial products that provide recommendations or real-time informations. Active learning from data is the crucial part of current product lifecycle.

It is just the very beginning of its possibilities. In the near future, literally, every single device in the world is going to become smart and learn about our expectations and needs — especially the ones that we have the biggest contact with. Starting from fridges, tables, beds, clocks, lamps, to even clothes and cars, those devices are going to increase the amount of data produced and utilized to perform two specific tasks: both think and act — like humans, but in a more optimal way. And this process is going to redefine every single aspect of our lives — the way we communicate, sell and buy, move and learn.

All of those elements of our lives are going to be redefined for us — to live better lives, to earn more money, to have more time to focus on the things we need to think about, and reduce the time spent on things we do not want to think about. All of those aspects directly affects business. And all of them, with time, are being more and more connected with data, more dependent on the data. That’s why it is crucial to find ways to apply Deep Learning in your business.

Ewelina Wołoszyn